Chapter six- The New Kid

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Chapter six- The New Kid


I slammed the car door closed and let out a breath of air. "Ready to head back home?" Vanessa asked. More like was I ready to face the students at school tomorrow. She and I were preparing for the journey back into town. She pulled out of the drive way and drove through the streets, heading for the highway. 

Last night at the party Lucas and I spotted Hunter attempting to take off his pants buckle while standing on Corbin's dining table. We thought it was best to go back to camp for the night. Finding Vanessa was easy. She was in a heated argument with an incredibly good looking guy who she claimed was a pain. He ended up giving her his number on a napkin which Vanessa said she shredded upon possession. Shannon and Joan were still the beer pong champions which made many guys see red. It took a lot of clawing, salsa throwing and twenty bucks to get them to leave with us. After all piling in our small car, Lucas drove us back to camp. The second Hunter stepped inside the cabin, he collapsed to the ground and started to snore. We left him in the foyer and got ready for bed. 

When everyone woke up in the morning and had some coffee and aspirin to help the raging migraines, we made a plan to leave after lunch. The second day of school was approaching and I felt nauseous just thinking of it. I told Shannon about the operation and the email while we were shoving our clothes and toiletries into our suitcases. 

"That bitch!" Shannon screamed. 

I chuckled. "I'm glad you had your internet privileges taken away or else you would have gotten that when you were in town. I can imagine you calling to say that you were going to be late so you could rip Kylie's head off," I said, nodding at her clenched hands. Her knuckles turned pale as she dug her long, painted nails into her palms. 

"I might have," she shrugged, sighing as she finally relaxed her hands. 

I sat on my suitcase as I tried to zip it close. When everyone had packed up, we threw everything into the trunks and climbed into a car. Since there were three, Shannon and Joan went in the one that belonged to Shannon. I drove back with Vanessa while the boys were in the car Hunter and I shared. 

I glanced at Vanessa before staring back at the road ahead. "Yep. I actually can't wait for school tomorrow. Everything is going according to plan."

The whole car ride was filled with incredibly bad singing, corny jokes and bags after bags of junk food. I couldn't have it any other way. Vanessa and I were best friends and I knew that no matter what happened, that would never change.


The school double doors never looked more inviting to me than it did today. I pulled open a door and the air condition felt like a slap in the face. No one inhabited the main foyer. Vanessa stood by my side and gave me a small smile. 

"See you after school, Raven," she whispered. "Always remember that I have your back even when I'm not there."

I nodded my head and mouthed my gratitude to her. She took off to her locker and I craned my neck to see if anyone was in the Junior hallway. A few kids milled about, but not enough to cause any problems. I grinned at how coming forty minutes earlier than I normally did paid off. I raced to Mr. Adams classroom, hoping we could talk before the bell.

"Raven Amanda Ross! I hear things, you of all are aware of that. So why did I hear that you yelled at someone in the hallway on Friday!" Mr. Adams practically screamed when I entered his classroom. His dress shirt was untucked with the collar popped out, his purple tie hung on the back of his chair and his hair still looked as if he had just rolled out of bed.

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