Chapter five- The Questions

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Chapter five- The Questions


"Raven pass the syrup, will you?" Hunter was adding everything and anything with sugar to his fruit-flavored vitamin water to make it taste similar to fruit punch. I never said he was smart.

After we ate dinner last night, I explained everything I told Vanessa in the woods to Joan before we went to bed. She said she understood but still thought I could have done better to handle the situation.

"Hunter, that's diabetes in a cup and it's going to taste gross,"  Vanessa grimaced.

"Yeah I mean if you're going to get diabetes, might as well be from something actually tasty," I add.

"You don't understand, Van. I need fruit punch," he said, foraging through the cabinets for sweets. Hunter picked up a bag of hard caramel candies and grinned.

"Uh, no you don't." Vanessa jumped up and grabbed the candies out of Hunters hands. "Let's go online and find something to make that will help relieve your need of fruit punch because watching you try to make your own version of  this drink is gross. So it's for not only for your sake but all of ours."

Hunter hung his head in shame and followed Vanessa out of the kitchen leaving Lucas and I alone. Joan was in town picking up some groceries but knowing her, she'd end up spending most of our money on items she thought were "important". We didn't want her to go because of this reason, but she was dead set on it and even threatened Hunter of putting his mattress in the lake during the middle of the night while he was asleep like they did in Parent Trap. The girl really needs to stop getting all her crazy ideas from movies.

Lucas was on his phone scrolling through what I guessed was some sort of article. I couldn't see what it was about because his body was angled toward me, the screen of the phone facing the opposite direction.

"Lucas, about yesterday... at the piano, I'm sorry. I know we've known each other for so long and all but never in a personal level. I guess I just... I don't know. I realized a few things about myself that I'm not entirely too proud about. I know I didn't really pay attention-

"Raven, do me a favor and shut up," Lucas said with his eyes glued to his nine inch screen.

"Hey, if I'm apologizing, you should be decent enough to listen."

"Oh no... no I didn't mean it like that. I'm trying to concentrate. You know Jessica?"

"The cheerleader?"

"Yeah well she's having this very exclusive party and you can only find out the time and location if you look at her posts on MaskPlay. It's like a scavenger hunt of some sort. She gave a clue to where and when it might be everyday for a week. People say that there's going to be enough alcohol to fill William Howard Taft's swimming pool eight times," he said with a grin. "And I think I might know where it is."

I laughed. "It's at her house from 8 pm to 2 am and the party isn't really that  exclusive. She told all the cheerleaders the details and they don't know how to keep a secret. Almost everyone knows, Lucas."

Lucas's smile turned into a frown immediately. "Are you serious? I stayed up late last night trying to figure it out!"

"Yeah if you just use the clues on her MaskPlay posts it's really hard to tell but if you are tapped into the girl network, you'd know like that." I snapped for effect.

"The girl network?" Lucas asked disbelievingly. He got up and moved over to the living room. I followed him and stretched onto the love seat.

"It's just whatever the girls talk about. If you're part of it you know the latest gossips, party details and a ton of makeup tips. I could help you get in the loop, Lucas," I offered. "I'm sure you need help on how to find the perfect shade of concealer to match your skin tone."

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