I nod with a smirk.

"But then wh-" I interrupt her when I crash my lips onto hers.

She is stunned at first but then starts to kiss back.

She's very gentle even when she kisses.

I pull away when air becomes a problem.

I smile at her and she smiles back at me.

I grab her hand and intertwine my fingers with hers.

I walk out the door and down the steps with Ally following close behind.

"What do you guys want?" Ally asks stopping at the island with me.

"Oh! How about pancakes?!" Mila squeals.

"Okay." Ally smiles.

"Let's do this!" I rub my hands together.

I grab the batter as she grabs the pan.

She starts the stove and butters the pan.

I then hand her the batter which is in one of those cream squirt things. (Idk what they're called)

She cooks three batches.

One plain, one chocolate chip, and one banana.

Once shes done, I grab three plates.

I put the bananas on one plate, chocolate chip on the other, and the plain on the last plate.

"Alright guys! Dig in!" I plop down next to Mani and an empty seat.

Ally plops down in the seat next to me.

She grabs a chocolate chip pancake and I grab a plain one.

I grab the syrup and syrup my pancake.

I look at Ally holding the syrup up.

She smiles at me and takes it to syrup her pancake.

"Dawg, you gotta speak." Dinah says.

"No you don't. Not if you know what you're talking about." I say looking at Dinah. She sighs.

"Whatever, man," she says. I laugh triumphantly.

I finish eating my pancake and I wipe my mouth with a napkin.

"What are we doing today?" I ask throwing me and Ally's plate away.

"Um. How about shopping? We don't have anything concerning our careers," Ally suggests.

"Whoa. Dawg you wanna go shoppin'?" Dinah asks. Ally shrugs.

"There's nothin' to do these days," Ally says. I nod agreeing with her.

"True dat," Mila says trying to act all swag.

Dinah looks at her shaking her head. Mila stops bouncing. Mani, Ally and I laugh.

"Mayun, don't try steal my street cred," Mila continues.

"Seriously, stop." Dinah says trying to pull Mila's hands out of the fold they're in.

"Fine." Mila pouts unraveling her arms.

I smile at Caminah.

"Okay, well. I'm going upstairs." Mani says. I nod.

"So am I." Ally says. I get up with her.

"I'm goin' up. Let's leave Caminah alone," I snicker. Ally laughs and Mila blushes.

"Oh c'mon. Don't act like Alren ain't real." Dinah smirks staring at Mila.

U.S.S Alren | Ally Brooke & Lauren JaureguiWhere stories live. Discover now