A New Friend

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She stared at the odd looking figure. He danced on top of a stump and soon, leaped over in front of her, and looked into her eyes.
"Eh? Why have you been crying? What is the matter"?
(Y/n) looked down at the ground and tears slowly began to reform. Skull hopped around confused until, he stopped and wrapped an arm around her and hugged her gently. (Y/n) slowly looked up at him confused and he looked down at her, a faint red on his cheeks. "W-well... I have been here do a long time and I've seen people upset. This is how others have made people stop crying so maybe it would work with you"? (Y/n) smiled faintly at Skullkids actions and hugged back. He jumped slightly at her action, but soon smiled. "Well, I have never had a friend before, is this what friends are like"? (Y/n) nodded her head and smiled. "Yeah this is what friends are like". Skullkid cheered happily and danced around "I finally have a friend"! (Y/n) looked at him confused and asked " you have never had a friend before"? Skullkid then stopped dancing and looked down at the ground. "No...people don't like me...they don't wanna be around me at all...because I am different..".
(Y/n) looked at Skullkid. She knew exactly how he felt. To be treated like dirt, just because you're not like everyone else. (Y/n) then gave Skullkid a bright warm smile and said "well, i want to be around you". Skullkid quickly looked up, surprised at (y/n)'s words. He then smiled and outstretched his hand and said "want me to teach you how to be like me"? (y/n) looked at his hand for moment and she gave him a smile and took his hand. They looked at each other, smiling warmly and holding each other's hands tightly. Two outcasts created a bond they knew would never be severed.

*Links POV*
I feel terrible for just leaving (y/n) hanging like that. She was my friend and I let her down. I walked down slowly through the village until, a small ball of blue came flying and bumped into my arm. I turned and saw that it was a fairy. I looked around to see who would be running to get it, but saw no one. I looked up at th fairy confused and asked " are you lost"? The fairy shook its head slightly and said " I have been sent by the great deku tree to fetch you"! My eyes widened at what the fairy just told me. Me? Out of all the kokiri, he wanted to see me? I laughed faintly and looked around me waiting for someone to jump out and say 'gotcha', but no one did.
The fairy then said " my name is navi. Now if you would please kindly come with me to see the great deku tree"? I nodded my head quickly and ran behind the fairy as it dashed off towards the great deku tree. We were about to reach the tunnel until someone grabbed onto my color and jerked me back. I groaned as they dropped me onto the ground. I was about to jump up and yell until I saw who it was. "Hey mido....".
"What do you think you are doing?" he asked with his arms crossed. I stood up and dusted myself off and said " I am going with my fairy to see the great Deku tree. He has summoned me". Mido busted into laughter and said "I don't see any fairy and plus, if he was to have summoned you, he would have told me". While he laughing, navi quickly flew over and started hitting his head. He yelled and waved his hands at her trying to make her stop, but she kept going on and on.
" okay! I'll make a deal with you! Just call off your stupid fairy!" he yelled covering his head with his hands. I soon raised my hand and Navi stopped, flying back over towards me. Mido slowly moved his hands and let out a sigh. " if you can manage to get a sword and a shield, I will let you go by, no problem". I nodded my head and turned to go find a sword.
I ran around the village asking all the other kokiri and finally, one of them told me that on a higher part of the village, there is a small tunnel I could crawl through and it would take me to the sword. I quickly ran up to where there told me to go and sure enough, there was a tunnel just small enough for me to enter. I slowly crawled inside and when I stood up, I saw that I was at the beginning of a maze. I sighed softly and turned left and began walking down that path. While working, I heard a loud rumbling. I watched the corner and soon, this large Boulder came rolling down. I screamed an quickly ran back and turned down a different path. I kept running until, I came upon a secret little pocket in the back of the maze. I turned down it and there at the end was a large chest. I cheered happily and dashed towards the chest, lifting the lid, and pulling out the kokiri sword. I held it up in the sky, admiring it for a brief moment and then sliding it into its sheath and made my way back to the entrance and quickly crawled out. The next item was a shield and luckily I had just enough rupees to buy myself one. I ran and quickly bought the shield and dashed through Mido making my way quickly to the Deku tree. Little did I know, this was going to be my last time visiting the lost woods for a very....very long time. Before I entered his domain, I stopped and looked towards the lost woods entrance. I'm so sorry (Y/n)...hopefully we will see each other again in the future....

                 *Time Skip 7 years*
                  * (Y/n)'s POV*

     I slowly leaped up onto the large building in castle town. I looked down at all of the bust people and smiled. I pulled down my dark purple mask and adjusted my straw hat and leaped down into the crowd laughing. Before I landed I threw a purple smoke bomb, causing the people to scream. I landed carefully on the ground and pulled out my little clay ocarina. I giggled and danced out of the smoke and began playing. Children laughed and tried to run up to me, but their parents prevented them from doing so.
        Seeing this I stopped playing and looked around at the people. One man walked up to me and glared at me. I tilted my head and giggled. "Did you not like my song"? The man narrowed his eyes and pointed to the gate. I felt my heart sink, but I narrowed my eyes back and pulled out a powder and flung it into his eyes. He screamed in agony and I quickly leaped back up onto the building and disappeared from the town.
       I began running back to a small patch of woods and jumped up into one of the trees. Seven years have gone by so fast, and I have changed so much. I am no longer letting people push me around. I leaned back against the trunk, closing my eyes, and pulling my straw hat over my eyes. Drifting of into a sweet sleep.

   (Woo! I am really enjoying typing this story and I hope you are enjoying as well. Please leave your opinion below :) have a good day!)

-love Natsu

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