Ultear's first memories

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The picture is dragonfly. I could not get the hair to be dark purple, so just imagine the same color as Ur.
I opened my eyes to see a ceiling. I sat up and saw a man sitting in the corner looking at me intently. "Um hello?" "Hello, do you remember anything?" "Uh" I tried to think of what happened before I opened my eyes. Why could I not remember! "No, I just remember my name" "and that is?" "Ultear!" "That so?" "Uh huh!" I smiled impressed with my-self " well, you are my child now! I rescued you! So I am renaming you" "who are you? What did you save me from?" " you call me ChiChi, understand?" " yup!" "It's yes!" "Yes." "I saved you from a fire caused by a demon, you were the last to survive in your town" "so I'm your adopted daughter?" "Yes, I'm glad you understand that you are mine. Now I shall rename you." With that he stood up and walked out a door that I had not realized was there. A new name? But I like Ultear...oh well, I just hope it's a good name. I noticed a mirror on the wall, so I got up and walked over to it. I had really short dark purple hair. I'm short, well duh I'm only, wait, how old was I? Um, I think I'm... Uh...ugh I can't remember! *snif* other than that I had on a cream colored night dress. The man walked back in with a set of cloths. " dragonfly, I brought you some cloths. We will go shopping later" I guess dragonfly was my new name. It was long. "yes." I said. I took the cloths and he walked back out. I did NOT like what he had brought. A dress! I don't like dresses. Humph. I put it on and saw a weird circle thing in the floor where the cloths were. It was to big to be a bracelet. Way to big to be an anklet...so what was it? ChiChi came in and smiled at my confusion to what it was. "I am a very important man so you become very important as well. Wear this on your head to show your status." He put it on my head and covered the back and side parts with my hair so that only a small part went over my forehead. ChiChi took my hand and led me toward the door. We went into another room where there was more men who were staring at me. ChiChi spoke to them in a very professional way "this is my new daughter, Dragonfly. She will follow in her training."
Man one- does she conceal any magic abilities
Man two- she could be a very useful person
ChiChi- before her mother died in a fire she had said that she has immense magical power and that is how I came to save her. She was in the hospital because she was sick with to much power when the fire started so I was able to get to her."
Man one- how much?
ChiChi- are you kidding me?!
Man three- if you say she has that much power, she could be presented as a warrior to help protect the people, and keep out enemies. It seems like fairy tail always saves the day, but ruins every city with ending the danger. She could be our savior.
ChiChi- head council member Hyberion, I just got her. Let her be mine untill she reached a certain age, but I will allow her to train at the magic military academy.
Man one- understood, at what age will she be transferred to us?
ChiChi- age twelve okay?
Man three- it's set then.
The third man turned toward me. "I will look forward to seeing how you do at the academy.
He turned back to ChiChi, they said farewells and chichi took my hand and led me toward the door. "Where are we going?" "I said we would go get you cloths dint I? Plus now you need a good uniform" I smiled and an image of a girl and what she looked like, along with what she wore popped into my head. She looked like me so I assumed that was me in the future. We walked to the shopping area, I picked out some cloths along with some things for my new bedroom, like bedsheets and curtains. A desk to do homework, and a practice area for outside along with a target to practice on. Then we went to an area where Chichi said the uniforms were. As my statice said I could choose my own uniform I chose black pants and a shirt with a light jacket. Chichi told me to get a crown from a certain store for when I wanted to wear my hair up in a ponytail. I chose a small white one.

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