Chapter 20

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*Narrators POV*

"So here we are," JJ said as soon as they walked through the door. "You can have a seat on the couch over there and I'll make us some popcorn," she told him, motioning towards the living room. "Alright. What movie do you want to watch?" He asked her from the living room. "Uhhh, I'm not sure... Maybe an action movie- but make sure it's funny," she called out as she started the popcorn. "Okay, so a comedic thriller action movie. That's gonna be easy to find," he said sarcastically, making her laugh. Once the bowl of popcorn was done, JJ sat down on the couch next to Reid. "Did you find one yet?" She asked him, putting the bowl on the coffee table. "How about 22 Jump Street?" He questioned. "Perfect," she said as she stuffed her mouth with popcorn. "Hey, save some for me!" He said playfully just as he turned on the movie. "Fine," she said, passing him the bowl. Throughout the movie, she tried to subtly move closer to him. It wasn't that subtle, but Reid didn't mind it. He was thrilled to even have the chance to be close to her. In fact, he couldn't keep his eyes off her. She was so gorgeous, he just couldn't help staring at her. In a way, he knew JJ didn't really like it when he did that, but he really couldn't stop himself. "What?" She asked him when she finally noticed. "Nothing, it's just- your so- beautiful," he finally admitted, chuckling a bit. She couldn't help but blush when he said this. "Why thank you. I guess the genius really does think I'm pretty," she said playfully, making them both laugh. He was still staring at her though, and she couldn't help but notice. "Seriously, stop looking at me like that," she said as she looked him in the eyes. There was a moment, right then, where their eyes interlocked. They were both looking each other right at each other, and they felt as if only that moment counted. Reid put his hand up to her cheeks and brushed a lock of her hair off her forehead. Then, he held her head in his hands, and leaned in closer, ready to make his move. She started to lean in slowly too, but the closer they got, the more afraid JJ became. The thoughts that were going through her mind in that millisecond were endless, and before he had a chance kiss her, she pulled away. She was too afraid to kiss him. She couldn't do it, not with their history. As soon as she got a chance to look at him, she could tell he was hurt. He thought that he had a chance with her, but apparently he didn't. And now, he just made a fool of himself and seemingly hurt JJ's feelings. "I um- I think you should go," she told him. "JJ wait- I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to..." He said as he started to trail off. "Spence, it's fine, just- just go," she said. This obviously hurt him, but he did as she said. He got up from the couch, grabbed his stuff and left. As soon as he left, JJ let out a deep sigh. It's not that she didn't want to kiss him, because she did. She wanted to kiss him, but she was too afraid. They had too much history, messy history. She knew that rejecting the kiss hurt Reid, but JJ knew that if she did kiss him, it would dig up old feelings that would be hard for her to overcome. And if that happened, she'd have to tell him about their one night stand a while back- and that he might be Henry's father.
The next day at work, JJ tried to avoid Reid again. It became a habit, her avoiding Reid. She found herself doing it a lot lately, so, she did what she always did when she was trying to avoid him: she went to Garcia's office. "Ohhhhhh, JJ did you hear the good news yet!?" Garcia asked excitedly as JJ walked into her office. "What good news?" JJ asked, sitting down in one of the rolly chairs. "Emily just called and said she's on her way to Quantico, and this time, she's going to stay for a whole week!" Garcia squealed as she turned away from her computer screen to face the other agent. "That's great!" JJ exclaimed. "I know! Have you seen Reid? I haven't told him yet," Penelope said. "No, I haven't seen him yet, and I'm not planning to. I'll be avoiding him today," JJ told her. "What? Why, so you don't have to talk about the father thing?" Garcia questioned. "No- well, yes, but that's not the main reason," JJ admitted as she took a sip of her coffee. "Woah woah woah, what is the main reason?" Garcia asked while she typed furiously at her computer. "You promise not to laugh or tell anyone about this?" JJ said. "I promise, I promise," Penelope said as she nodded. JJ paused a second and took a deep breath before explaining what happened the other day. Then, she went off. "So, me and Spence were watching a movie at my house yesterday. He wouldn't stop staring at me, and then, the next thing I know, he's leaning in to kiss me! I got kinda freaked out and scared, so I pulled away before he had a chance to kiss me, and then I told him to leave" JJ admitted. After hearing her story, Garcia just sighed. "Jayje you have to stop avoiding your problems. You're afraid of having a relationship with him, so you just don't have one with him, and then you just avoid him. It doesn't work like that, though. Sometimes you have to just go for it. If your afraid to be with him, you'll never know if you like him or not," Garcia said. "Oh, and you're gonna have to tell him about the Henry-father thing eventually," she added. "I know, I know," JJ said insistently. "Did you even get Henry a paternity test yet?" Garcia asked. "Penelope, is it really that important?" JJ questioned as she turned to face away from Garcia. "Yeah, it is. You seriously NEED to stop avoiding your problems! This is a serious thing that is not only important to you, but also to your son," Garcia said, starting to raise her voice. "This is just a hunch that Emily had! We don't know if Spence is Henry's dad. For all we know, it could be Will! Could you just please stay out of my business?!" JJ yelled, still not facing Garcia. "JJ, you came to me with your business! You wanted some help, some advice, and now your criticizing me!?" Garcia yelled. "I think you need to leave my office now," she told JJ, pointing to the door. "Fine!" JJ said as she picked up her stuff to leave. As she left the room, she slammed the door behind her. Hopefully, no one noticed how loud they were being.

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