Chapter 13

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*Narrators POV*

Spending the previous night with her best friends had made JJ feel better. They stayed at her house until she felt better and fell asleep, but sadly, Emily had to return to London and Garcia needed to get home and feed her cats. When she awoke, Will still hadn't returned home. After he fight, she assumed she wouldn't be seeing him for a while, but she still wanted to try and get him back. This sparked a powerful wave of emotions. She didn't want him to leave, even though she knew what she did was wrong. For now, though, she had to forget about it. She had to pick up Henry from her mother's house in less than an hour, and she had only got up about 30 minutes ago. Plus, it was Monday so she had to work, and with the recurring memories of her night with Reid, she wasn't really in the mood to see him. Frankly, she wasn't too thrilled about seeing any of her other colleagues either. Garcia would just nag her to tell Reid about the new development. Garcia wanted him to know that he might be Henry's father. JJ was not ready to tell him this though. There was no guarantee he was the father. When she had slept with him, it was less than a day after she had slept with Will, which made her kind of a slut. Henry could be either of their's, though, but she didn't want them to know. She didn't want to deal with it at all, but there was only so long she could deny it for. Right now, she just had to get Henry home and then to school, and then she could head to work and face the day. When JJ returned home with Henry, he asked her, "Mommy, where's Daddy?" "He's not home right now, sweetie. Mommy doesn't know when he'll be home, but you'll see him soon. You have to get ready for school now, though," she told him. Hearing this, he just zoomed off into his room to get dressed. As soon as she left, she let out a long sigh. How was she ever going to deal with this?
As soon as Reid stepped out of the elevator, he was bombarded by Garcia. She had all kinds of random questions, which confused him, but he just let her ask them. Garcia was trying to convince Reid to talk to JJ, since she knew JJ wouldn't talk to him. "So, have you talked to JJ lately? Has she said anything interesting? Possibly regarding our godson?" She questioned him, trailing shortly behind him as he walked towards his desk. When he got to his desk, he set his things down and took a sip from his coffee, looking around to see if JJ was there yet. "What are you talking about? Is JJ okay?" He asked her, suddenly looking concerned. He wondered why Garcia was asking so many questions about JJ, and why she wasn't there yet. She was almost never late. "It's, uh, nothing. JJ's fine, it's nothing," Garcia stated nervously as she turned to walk away. "Garcia!" Reid called to her as she walked away. This made her stop in her tracks. "What?" She asked, slowly turning around to face him. He walked towards her, noticing she was fidgety and nervous. He was a profiler, and it didn't take him long to figure out she was hiding something. "What's really going on with JJ, because I know it's not just nothing," Reid said to her as he tried to stare her down. Garcia got nervous because of this and she didn't know what to do. She couldn't tell him what was really going on, because JJ would kill her. So, she decided to try something different. She was going to lie. "You know, I think JJ has feelings for you. Real, loving feelings," Garcia whispered in his ear. "What? That's ridiculous! She's married," Reid said quietly. He was astounded. JJ, the same JJ who took him out on his first ever date, liked him, maybe even more than that. "Well, you didn't hear it from me, but that marriage is going south. She really has an interest in you, Reid. You should go for it. Plus, I know Henry loves you," she said mischievously. Garcia knew that JJ wasn't gonna tell him about the "father thing" soon, so she was going to orchestrate a plan so that he has to find out about it himself. Reid still looked skeptical of her, but before he could say anything else, JJ walked into the bullpen. "Gotta go, bye!" Garcia said quickly as she scrambled away. Reid was left standing in the middle of the bullpen, staring at he beautiful blonde that walked in. He couldn't believe she liked him, more than in a friend way. He couldn't believe such a beautiful and perfect girl would want to go for him, the same geeky nerd who she rejected long ago. A little while after Reid had taken her to the Redskins game, he concluded he loved her, but she didn't seem too interested. He was in love with her, but, he buried his feelings in order to be able to work with her appropriately and make her happy. When he found out she was pregnant and was in love with Will, he buried his feelings even deeper for JJ's sake. But now, he could dig them back up and revive them. He wanted to go for her, to give her a chance.
Garcia felt sneaky. She told a small little lie to Reid, and he believed it. She watched from a distance as he stared at JJ, like she was some magnificent treasure. What Penelope told Reid wasn't really a lie though. JJ had always had feelings for him, she was just too scared to admit it. Garcia knew her best friend had always had something for Reid, she just wanted to give it a kick start. Also, she wanted JJ to tell him that he might be Henry's father, and she figured that, in order to do that, Garcia needed to get them talking. She also knew that JJ wouldn't just volunteer to talk to Reid, because she was stubborn, so Garcia had to get him taking to her. So far, it was working. He was staring at her like some kind of goddess, and he looked like he was about to say something to her.

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