Chapter 8

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*Narrators POV*

When JJ walked into the bullpen, she was relieved to see Reid wasn't there. That whole day, she focused on avoiding Spence. She tried to stay away from him by spending most of the day in Garcia's office, where she could stay hidden from him for a while. The only problem with staying in there was that Garcia would urge her to talk to Reid about what happened. They had a new case in Albany, New York, so she had to the brief the whole team and leave Garcia's office, but it wasn't as awkward when the whole team was there. Still, she tried to avoid eye contact with him, hoping the other profilers wouldn't notice. When they got onto the plane, she sat as far away from him as possible, and when he tried to start a conversation with her, she just blew it off and said she was going to the bathroom, or to get some coffee. Now it was becoming obvious to one of the profilers that something was going on between the two, but she didn't say anything. Emily Prentiss kept her mouth shut. When they got to the police station in Albany, Hotch had sent Reid and Morgan off to the medical examiners, which was a relief to JJ. The team got set up in the conference room and then started to interview some of the victims' families. After they had finished their interviews, they found a pattern in the victims: they were all struggling with their sexuality. This led them to believe that the unsub was gay himself. The team called up Garcia to get the addresses of local gay bars the unsub may have visited so they could give a physical desrcription to the employees. "Hey Garcia, you're on speaker," Emily said as she spoke into JJ's cell phone. "What can I do for my most mystical crime solvers?" Garcia asked happily. "We think our unsub might be gay based on his victims. Could you send us the addresses of any local gay bars the unsub may have frequented? We think that that's his hunting ground," JJ said as she moved the cell phone to the middle of the table in the conference room. "I've already sent them to your mobiles," Garcia said excitedly. "Thanks Garcia," Hotch said. Both him and Rossi left the station immediately to go check out the places. "You are most definetly welcome! Oh, and I've also gotten all the victims medical records that you asked for, JJ," Garcia said. "Thanks Penny G, your the best," JJ told Garcia as she was about to hang up. "Wait, JJ, did you ever talk to Reid about what happened at his place on Friday?" Garcia asked her quickly. JJ closed her eyes and cringed at the sound of that. Garcia was still on speaker phone and Emily and some other officers were still in the room. She didn't want anyone to know about their "incident." JJ quickly looked over to Emily to see if she had noticed or heard anything. She sure had, but Emily played it off. JJ then let out a sigh of relief because it looked to her like she was in the clear. After that, she put Garcia off speaker and took her call outside the police station. Emily watched as she walked out the doors while she talked into the phone. I wonder why JJ was at Reid's on Friday, Emily thought to herself, Maybe that was the reason she was acting so strange around him.
"Penelope?! You can't just blurt that out in front of the team like that! I don't want any of them to know," JJ exclaimed as she walked out the doors of the conference room. She was frustrated that Garcia would just let go of her secret like that in front of Emily. Garcia, however, was taken aback. "Woah, Jayje, settle. I didn't know the whole team was there, I thought they left," Garcia responded. "Okay, well maybe it was only Emily, but still, who knows what she'll do if she figures it out," JJ said. "So, did you talk to Reid yet?" Garcia asked. "Not yet, but I will later today," JJ responded. As soon as she had some time with just the 2 of them, she would discuss it with him. She dreaded telling him the truth because she didn't want him to know about the kiss, or the other part. She didn't want it to be real, because if it was, then it meant she liked, excuse me, loved him. "Alrighty, just promise you'll talk to him soon?" Garcia says. She's concerned about her friend. "Yep, I promise. Bye PG," JJ says as she hangs up the phone. That was a close one, she thinks to herself. She then heads back into the police station to review the case again.

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