Press Release No 16

35 6 8
  • Dedicado a To bald Adonises everywhere

' Bald men found to be at greater risk of heart disease'   (The Times 04/04/13)


New research from scientists in Japan claims that Bald men are significantly more likely to suffer from heart disease. Alarming news! But thankfully other scientists do not accept that any causal link has been fully established and that much more rigorous research needs to be done before the follicularly challenged amongst us start to panic.  I am left none the wiser, although I am sure I have less hair than I did yesterday, maybe it was just the haircut!.


Scientists in Japan assert that Heart Disease

Is linked to male-pattern baldness, if you please

But worry not do not be alarmed

You may be losing all your charms

Your hair is falling out, there is no doubt

Once copious growth will no longer sprout

Things are not so bad this is yet to be shown as true

So carry on as normal as you do

Some hate to be bald, others care not a fig

If it really bothers you then buy a wig.


Written by Vernicho ( 4 April 2013 ) Copyright ( All Rights Reserved )

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