"Yeah, sure," Carter laughed. "They're over there." She pointed to a group of girls that were already looking in our direction.

"Cool! Let's go! Bye y'all!" Jackie said before him and Marlon walked away. Carter turned to me and smiled.

"Enjoying yourself?" She touched my cup.

"Its ginger ale," I laughed. "How about you?"

"I haven't even had time to get a drink yet so I'm sober. Unfortunately."

"Well, let me be the first person to get you one," I said before turning to the bartender. "One apple martini please."

He nodded and started to make the drink. Carter stood next to me and leaned her arms on the bar. The bartender handed her the drink and she thanked him before taking a sip.

"Mmm, that's delicious," she said before taking another sip.

"Hey hey hey, slow down," I smirked. "Its not 10 yet."

She glanced at me before smiling. "Shut up."

Just then, the DJ started playing Forever Mine by the O'Jays and everyone started slow dancing. I looked at Carter, who was already looking at me.

"Its our song," I told her and she nodded. "Care to dance?"

"I'd love to." She put her drink down and grabbed my hand that I held out to her. I led her to the middle of the dance floor and wrapped my arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned against me.

As the song played, we swayed back and forth. We didn't say anything, just enjoyed each other and the music.

"Thank you," she said, halfway through the song.

"For what?"

"Throwing this party for me, and for always being there for me. It means a lot to me."

I chuckled and tightened my grip on her. "You have my heart Carter. I'm never gonna let you go."

She pulled back so that she could look at my face. "Is that a threat or a promise?" She smiled.

"A promise."

"I hope so."

The song ended and the DJ started to speak.

"Now, if everyone would head outside, we have a little surprise for the birthday girl."

Carter looked up at me. "A surprise? What is it?"

I shrugged. "Let's go find out." I grabbed her hand and led her outside. Once we finally got outside, she gasped. Sitting in the driveway was a black Range Rover.

"You did this?!" She asked and I nodded. She screamed and jumped on me, hugging me tight.

"I can't believe you! You bought me a truck! And a fucking Range Rover at that!" She ran over to the car, opened the door to the driver's side, and got in. I smiled and walked over to the door and shut it. I leaned inside and smirked at her.

"So I'm guessing that you like it?"

"Like it? I fucking love it!" I stepped back and she got out of the car. She threw her arms around me and hugged me again.

"Thank you Applehead."

"You're welcome baby." She pulled back and kissed me passionately.

Four Hours Later

It was now 1 am and the party had finally broken up. Me and Carter were sitting outside, at the edge of the pool. We had our legs dangling off the side and our feet were in the water.

"Its a beautiful night, right?" I asked. The sky was clear and the stars were bright.

"Yeah. I wonder if it was this beautiful 28 years ago," she wondered.

"Hmm, probably." I looked over at her and smiled. She giggled and shook her head.

"Thank you for tonight Michael. This was the best birthday I've ever had."

"I told you, it was no problem. But its not over yet."

"What do you mean? Its past midnight."

"You haven't opened your last gift." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box. I handed it to her and she gasped.

"Michael you got me another gift? The truck was enough in itself."

I shrugged. "Open it."

She opened the box and inside was a ring. She pulled the ring out of the box and examined it. It had a silver band with a purple stone. The side was engraved with the letters "C&M" which stood for our initials. She looked up at me.

"Carter, I have something I wanna say to you, ok?" She nodded. "Over the past 10 months, I've grown to love you like I've never loved anyone before. You make me feel happy and that's something that I honestly never had before. I feel safe and secure knowing that you're by my side and knowing that you're there makes me feel like I can take on the world. You complete me."

"Michael," she smiled and rubbed my cheek with her hand. I took the ring out of her hand and took the hand that was on my cheek and held it.

"Carter Janae Green, will you be my girlfriend?"

I swear, the biggest smile I've ever seen spread across her face. "Of course I will," she said. I smiled and slid the ring onto her middle finger. She grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. She pulled away and hugged me tight.

"I love you Applehead."

"I love you more baby." We kissed again and ended up making out for a while. All of a sudden, Carter pulled away and stood up.

"Come on," she motioned to me with her finger. I got up and grabbed her hand that she had extended to me. She led me through the house and up the stairs. We made it to my bedroom and she closed and locked the door behind us.

She sat on the bed while I continued to stand by the door.

"Why are you all the way over there? Come here."

I walked over to the bed and stood in front of her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss. I moaned and kissed her back. I slowly pushed her back so that she was laying down and I was on top of her. I moved down and started to suck on her neck.

"Ohh, Michael," she moaned in my ear. She ran her fingers through my hair and pulled it lightly. All of a sudden, I realized what was happening and I pulled away.

"I'm sorry baby. I got kind of carried away." I moved to get off her but she grabbed my arms, making me stop.

"I want you to."


"No, Michael. I want you to take my virginity."

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