Note From Athour

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Dear readers,
This story is pretty much my first serious story I'm sharing to the world. It might suck, so if you want to laugh at me, please put your evil remarks in the comment box below. I thoroughly enjoy reading funny comments that make me look dumb.
By the way, my watt pad cover maker is experiencing technical difficulties right now, and it seems as if everyone in my family has no idea how to work an iPod or figure out why they are recording when they are trying to take a picture. So that means I can't make amazingly stylish book covers that will make even Beyonce drop dead with jealousy. So right now you have to stick to pouring your eyeballs onto my homemade book cover that I made with my *ahem* art skills. I know, the cover is pretty *insert farting noise*.
Anyways to end off this special note with a bang I shall 10 words that rhyme with scream:
Dream, seem, cream, beam, deem, teem, team, stream, steam, and regime.

Random fact:
Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.
Seriously. Look it up.

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