Officially Invited

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You can probably guess that I'm not the most popular girl at my school. I wasn't bullied or anything too horrible, I was just... unnoticed is the best way to put it I guess. I'm not into sports which half of my class seems to adore and I'm not into obsessing over boy bands and other popular things the other half of my class does. I'm into getting good grades. Everybody knows that about me, but what they don't know is that I love music. I can play piano and if I say so myself, I'm a decent singer. Only one other person knows I play piano and sing and that's Spring. PJ doesn't know, not because I don't trust her, but because I like having that one special thing with Spring.

Spring is one of the most popular girls at the school I attend. I'm pretty sure the only reason we are friends is because we've known each other for so long. You would think that being best friends with the popular girl would make you popular too, but not at my school. My school seems to be the exact opposite. Not that I'm complaining, I don't mind too much. I like my life the way it is for the most part. The only thing I would want from being popular would be to date Zach. Every girl dreams that, at least everyone I know at school. Zach is the star soccer player. Even though he is only a Sophomore, he is still one of the starting players on the Varsity team. Yes I did say I don't like sports, but I enjoy watching cute guys play sports and that's totally different.

I was hanging out in my room finishing up a small math project that was due next Monday. Today was Thursday, and if there is a party I don't want my work to interfere with it, so I'm getting it done early. I put some light piano music on to help me focus a little bit better and finished the project in about thirty minutes. I took a quick break to check my social media accounts and then got started on another project.

About half way into my last project, my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and to no surprise, it was Spring. "Hello Spring!" "Hey Melissa! How's your day goin?" "Great! How about you?" "Good! Hey I was wondering if you would be interested in going to a party I'm having at my house this Saturday?!" "Oh! That sounds fun! I'd have to check with my mom, but most likely I'll be able to go!" I said with a smile on my face. "Check now! Check now! Check now!" She squeezed excitedly. "Ok! Ok! Geesh!" I ran downstairs and quickly asked my mom if I could go and she said that I could. "Mom says I can go, so yes I will be attending." "Ok cool! See ya there Melissa!" "See ya there Spring!" I was actually quite excited for Saturday's party now.

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