"Oh, who's thi-" But as she was asking who had joined them for their family lunch, Noel turned around to smile innocently at Aria, hey eyes widening and her smile wiped away. "Noel."

"Ah, Miss Montgomery...or is it Mrs. Fitz these days?" 

"Noel was just about to explain why he's interrupted our lunch, actually," Ezra started, motioning for Aria to sit down, and taking her hand under the table when she did, soothing her by letting her know he wouldn't let anything happen to her, and he would always have her back.

"Yes, I was. I'm really sorry for interrupting you guys...I'm glad I finally found you guys! I remembered something about New York back when Aria was giving things with me a shot...though, it was never really an actual shot, was it? Anyways! It was much harder to track you down than I thought it would be... What, with Ali and Toby and...Marley." Noel said Marley's name like he knew just what it meant to Ezra. 

"What do you know about Marley?" Ezra asked calmly, playing it off as if he wasn't outraged at more people toying around with other people like they didn't matter. 

"She's mine." Noel shrugged. But his cocky attitude was starting to dissipate. He sighed and ruffled his hair. "She's mine, and Alison didn't tell me until she decided to make her dramatic exit out of this world."

Silence. Jem was staring at Noel intensely, scrutinizing his every move. Daisy was suddenly very interested in her stockings and shoes. Aria let out a slow breath. 

"You're Marley's biological father?" Aria asked. Ezra was staring out the window, fist clenched. 

"Yeah...yeah, and I don't know what to do at this point." Noel started. "She's grown now. She's in college. She had to deal with Toby Cavanaugh. I can't imagine her ever forgiving me for that." 

"Look...Noel...I don't know why Ali didn't tell you any of this sooner...but I'm not sure why you're coming to us. We haven't seen her in almost a year. She doesn't keep in contact. But...what we do know is that she is trying to find out who her father is. I can't speak for her, but if I were you I would at least attempt to reach out." Aria looked at Noel as if she were sorry for him, which was starting to bother Ezra.

"Well, wait just a second." Ezra spoke up, looking at Noel sternly. "Let's not just forget about your awful, past decisions. I may not be Marley's parent, but I do care about her. And Noel, you did some pretty terrible things back when you were in high school-"

"I know. And I paid the consequences." Noel interrupted, setting his jaw. "My dad disowned me, I got cut off, no one bailed me out. I did regret my actions, I regretted ever teaming up with Jason. And I served my time. I have been trying to right my wrongs ever since it was ever a possibility that Alison was pregnant with my child...But when she shut that theory down, told me it was Ezra's, I dropped it and left. I went back to Colorado where I was trying to start fresh. And I did. But ever since I got that letter from Alison about the truth...the truth that I was the father...I haven't been able to sleep. I haven't felt right...I want to find her and try to make things right between us...I owe her...my daughter..."

Ezra and Aria looked at each other and Aria nodded, her eyes soft.

"You deserve to try and make things right with Marley if that's what you want. But I'm still not sure how coming to us will help you?"

Noel looked between Aria and Ezra, almost pleading. "Come on, you guys have to know something...you snuck around back in Rosewood. The four of you girls were basically super sleuths, trying to figure out the A mystery...there has to be some clue about what I can do to find Marley..."

"UPenn." Ezra said, finally caving. Noel seemed genuine enough, and it was public knowledge that he did serve time in jail and none of his family cared to bail him out - they were ashamed of what he had done. "She said she was going to UPenn and lived in Nebraska. That's all we know. She hasn't written to us or called. I'm sorry we can't be more help."

Noel stood, extending his hand out to Ezra, and Ezra took it and shook it firmly.

"Thank you. I appreciate it. I know you guys don't owe me anything..."
Aria smiled at him and Ezra nodded.

"And for what it's worth, you guys really do look great together. You have a perfect family."

~          ~          ~


I locked up the front door and set my empty mug in the sink. The kids were both in their rooms and Aria was curled up on the sofa with a book and blanket. It was quite the peaceful day after the earlier events. I couldn't help but feel content.

I was content in how everything had turned out.

Yes, my life had taken many unexpected twists and turns. Many complications and hurt feelings along the road that led me here. And yes, there are many things that I would take back or do differently if I could...

But that's the thing...

You can't. You can't take back your past choices and actions. You can't go back in time. You can't change the past. 

All you can do is move forward and try your best. Move forward and try to make up for past faults. Move forward and be the best version of yourself.

If someone were to ask me what I did to deserve my happiness - because let's face it, I'm very happy with where I am in my life right now - I wouldn't have an answer. Does any one person truly deserve happiness? Did I do something so great that the universe decided to reward me with my happy ending with the perfect woman of my dreams? I don't think so.

All of the drama...all of the lies...all of the confusion and hurt...

The people we have lost along the way...

Is it all meaningless? No, I can't believe that. Was it just to teach us a lesson? Possibly. 

I hope that Noel finds Marley and I hope that he can give her some answers and closure.

I stare at the gorgeous girl sitting on our couch in our living room. I am lucky. I don't know how we got to where we are, but God, am I ever thankful. She must sense me staring, though, because she looks up from her book and tilts her head at me. Asking what's that look for without actually asking.

"I love you."

"And I love you."


Hello Readers...

I don't know if anyone will read this. And I don't know if any of the original fans from 2014 will read this. But here is the epilogue as promised. I wrote this on my own just now. 

Skyler and I started this story back in 2014 when Pretty Little Liars was still running on ABC Family. I was a sophomore/junior in high school and I think Skyler was in 8th or 9th grade. I'm now 24, the show has been ended for a long time. I graduated college and I am now a teacher. I recently started watching PLL over from the beginning, because I haven't watched it in YEARS, and it's bringing back allllll of my memories and feelings.

That time in my life was difficult for me. My very best friend, who was like a sister to me, who introduced me to Pretty Little Liars, unexpectedly moved across the country. I lost her as she met a boy and eventually got married and I fell off her radar. She is the only reason I ever started Pretty Little Liars and Vampire Diaries...two shows that have helped me in rough times of my life, two show I obsessed over and were a big part of my identity in high school.

I absolutely loved writing my fanfiction. As I have been watching season 1 of PLL I remembered my Wattpad account and became very nostalgic at the memories. I opened up Forget Me Not, saw the last chapter, and realized the epilogue was never written or published. I decided to make Noel the father of Marley because I always liked Noel. I felt like the readers deserved to have that answer given to them after reading the story from start to finish.

I am sorry it took so long to finish this story. Life got busy, and life waits for no one.

Please enjoy this last little part of Forget Me Not.

Thank you so much for your continued support and love!

xoxo Marissa

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