New home? Or new hell?

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One more cut, just a few more, the only things racing threw my mind. Soon though it's not just one and my stomach is full of elaborate designs anyone could find beautiful, if only it had been done in peril and not with a razor.

I'm good now. I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok. I promise. I'm ok.

I slip my shirt down the razor back in the box and head to my room. I place the box at the bottom of my bag and grab an ace bandage I had packed, slowly wrapping it around my stomach to stop the blood soling through staining my shirt. I had a feeling Dakota would notice right away I was gone to long. What did he care though.

I trudged my way down stairs, the movie had started, majority of the snacks were gone and Liam was already asleep. The others memorized by the TV. I gently slid onto Dakotas lap, startling him in the process.

"Sorry I scared you", I whispered.

"No, no. It's alright. You want some snacks you were gone an awfully long time."

"Yeah black what were you doing up there." Troy chimed in, fantastic just what I needed an interrogation.

"Could finds he short I was looking for I finally gave up." they seemed to buy that and went back to watching the movie.
After the movie finished all the guys went home and me and Dakota were finally alone.

"Blake?" He stuttered hesitantly.

"Yeah," I called from the living room. Cleaning from the disaster zone left behind by the others.

"I don't want you to go. I like this version of you better." He whispered into me ear has he wrapped his arms around my back side. Burying his face in my shoulder.

"I don't want to go back to that living hell either. Maybe we should check on other Blake and if she seems to be getting on well, ... we could make the change permanent."

"That is the best idea you have ever had!!" He smirked, skipping all the way up the stairs to the room and through the mirror.

-other Blake POV-

God these past few weeks have been hellish. Not as bad for me, the popular a at school have taken notice of me and we're friends now. I'm saying the star baseball player. I'm also captain of the volleyball team.

The home life is still terrible though. Her dad is still a crazy drunk but he has ceased to beat me cause my grades are up and I'm paying all the bills. I see what Blake had to go through now. Maintaining an apartment, drink dad, and two jobs. It's nearly impossible.

I was at my, no no her, desk studying for my biology final tomorrow. The last day of school that test and that's it no more of that hell. I thought I heard die one come in. Soft footsteps on the carpet, glancing over my shoulder I saw Dakota stumble into the room.

"Hey Blake. I got a question for you."

"OH MY GOD DAKOTA I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN SO LONG. How are the guys? How's Blake? How are you?" I blabbed no wanting him to get to ask his question at all. For I knew the moment he asked it he would leave and I wouldn't get to know anything.

"Yes hi I'm here how have things been? The guys are good, Blake's doing well, I'm good. now for the question." This boy, I forgot how infuriating let stubborn he is.

"Things are improving.... I'm just not sure swnding Blake back here is such a good idea. I don't think she can handle her new image. Seeing as how terrible those popular a acted to me the first few days. Her grades are all A's now Andrew father is happy still a drunk but not beating me. I've made a ton of friends some are the same from our 'dimension' per say. Others are total polar opposites. AndImdatingthecaptainofthebaseballteam."
I rushed that lay part out hopping he wouldn't be able to process that. I was sadly mistaken.

"That's great good for you moving on before we've even ended. Oh and FYI we're over. Hugs and kisses. Can the new Blake and you make this change permanent. You seem to be doing pretty well here and she's hasn't been as depressed and has been more sociable.

"Well... I mean.... Fine whatever goodbye don't ever come back. My regards to the boys. Oh and I'll need most of my wardrobe and she can have hers."

He gathered all her things, making two trips to fit it all through. And then brought most of my stuff over. Then left for good.

-our Blake-

Alone in the apartment... Today was a good day but it's become and addiction now. I grabbed a cigarette. It helped to relieve the pain for awhile then I got addicted. I've been trying to quite lately but it just hasn't worked out.

The urges are to strong.

I heard Dakota come back upstairs with some stuff. He raced down stairs and I disposed of my cigarette as quickly as possible. He'd kill me if he knew.

"You're staying here. It's official my Blake is staying. I brought all of your stuff over. why the hell does it smell like smoke in here?"

"W-well you see I ummmmm.... I'm... well.... the truth is.. I'm addicted," I said shamefully. .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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