Wind in The Willow

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Hael had no idea what to do. Nagi lay still as a stone on the ground; as did Levi. She was shivering from head to toe, worried about her loved ones.

The spellcaster opened his eyes and pitched forward, Hael grabbed him before his head slammed into the couch she was sitting upon. "It-- is-- done." He gasped.
"Will they be alright?! Hello?" It was no use, he had fallen unconscious and there was no waking him up. "Please! Don't leave me here alone." Her final words were quiet and shakey.

Hael sat back and dropped her head in her hands. "What am I going to do?" She muttered. Her husband and daughter might be dead, she had an unconscious magic user in her lap and her most prized possession had just litterally gone up in smoke. "I wish you were here Wind." Hael mumbled as the teardrops fell on her hands.

Then she saw a blue glow. Looking up, she saw Levi's whole body shimmering with blue light. His raven hair appeared to have blue veins pulsing through it, his skin was eminating an aqua glow getting brighter by the second. When it grew too bright to look at, the glow suddenly shifted up; flowing like water. It collected like a whirlpool around his heart before flying up to his head. Moments later, his eyes flew open, casting a beaming light on the ceiling.

It was so sudden that Hael gasped and jump back in suprise. She watched as he lifted off the ground, floating in the same manner as Nagi did. Levi's head lolled to the side, blindingly bright, pupiless eyes beaming onto her. Then he sighed and drifted to the floor, blue light disapating until it showed only on one lock of hair. When that disappeared, the single lock of hair was left in a brilliant auburn color.

Hael flew to his side and sobbed over him, "Levi? Levi. Please, say something."
"Uunngggh." He groaned.
Hael smiled through the tears and took his hand, "Hael?"
"Levi! I thought I lost you. Levi. Levi, I love you."
What Levi replied made Hael smirk, "Tch. Idiot. You can't get rid of me that easily. Where's Nagi?" He asked quietly.
Hael explained the story, leaving nothing out, and finished with, "Wind never left me. Ever." With these words, a tear landed on Hael's knee. Levi snatched Hael by the collar and yanked her on top of him, kissing her passionately.

Nagi knew only joy at being back, even though she wasn't sure where she'd gone. When she became conscious, she heard her mother's voice speaking softly to someone. When she heard her father's voice, nothing in the world could stop her from going to him. As if on wings she flew to him, even though it took monumental effort to move at all. She stopped only when she sat on top of him. Levi grunted and stared at her for a moment before pulling her into a tight hug. Hael joined in and for a moment, everything was perfect.

After staying the night at the Magi's (that's what they found out he called himself) cottage, they began the trek back to base. Upon arrival, they were fussed over by Miyuki and glared at by Erwin. That night though, Nagi slept like she never had before. Her family was safe. She only had one life inside her, and, as the wind in the willow tree sung her to sleep; Nagi thought she smelled the scent of fresh hay and newly washed horses in her raven black hair.'

Nagi opened her eyes at the memory, drawing courage from it. She was the wind and nothing can stop the wind. Nagi reached up and brushed her fingertips against her reflection in the bell. In the tarnished surface it was nothing more than a blur of white skin and black hair. Today was her graduation. Today she joined the Survey Corps for real. Today she earned all the nicknames they gave her. Today she lived up to the Ackerman name.


This is the final chapter. I hope you enjoyed! Do you understand? It wasn't a dream so don't think that. Give me a star if you are happy that Wind is part of the storyline! Or ya know... If you enjoyed anything here. Thank you for all the reads, votes, comments, and 'add to reading list's.
I never thought 'Of Love and Loss' could get over 1k. Thank you all. You make my sad nerd life worthwhile. (Ok, maybe not only you, but I'm not going into details.)

Anyway, thank you all! We'll have to see what comes next...

As The Wind Blows (Sequel to Of Love and Loss)Where stories live. Discover now