Her Father's Knife

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Nagi looked at her mom. Wind? The horse she was named for?

Hael had tears in her eyes as she walked to where her family was; Levi was looking blankly at nothing; lost in memory. Nagi looked both wise beyond her years and like a confused child at the same time. Hael knelt in front of Levi and wrapped an arm around his waist, yanking him down to her. She then held her other arm out to Nagi, who joined the embrace.

Once everyone was there, Hael whispered, "To my friend who gave us life. To Wind. Thank you." Nagi whispered, "Thank you." and Levi stayed silent.

That's when they heard it-- or felt it rather.

Levi cursed, "Did you bring maneuvering gear!?" Hael groaned and said, "We weren't supposed to be out here this long!"
"Damn it, Hael!" Levi stood up and said, "Do you still carry your father's knife?"
"Everywhere, but Levi, you can't be thinki--"
But Levi was already gone. He swiftly lifted the knife from Hael's boot and charged the Titan. "Nagi, take Hael and run!"

Nagi did as she was told and took Hael's hand, "Come on Mommy!"
"Nagi, no! You go, get to that group of trees and wait!"
"Mommy!" Nagi cried with a sob, "I'm scared!"
Hael stopped and turned, kneeling so they were face to face, "Nagi, always remember this. You are named for the wind, and nothing can stop the wind. Nothing can stop you. Go. Go now, Nagi!" Nagi nodded and wiped her face and ran like hell.

Levi was already at the Titan's feet. His plan was risky, but would have to do. He crouched low to ground and waited. Closer. Closer. The Titan's hand swooped down to lift him to it's maw. Closer. Closer.
Finally, when the hand was within feet of him, Levi leaped.

His feet came down on the Titan's hand; he had to fight to maintain his balance. Levi again dropped to a crouch, gripping the skin of the Titan. Thinking it had an easy meal, the giant lifted Levi toward it's mouth.

The wind whistled by his face and flattened him to the hand of the Titan.

Hael gasped in horror as she saw Levi being lifted to the mouth of the Titan. She was about to take off to help when she realized that Levi was holding the Titan; not the other way around. Hael laughed and cried at the same time at that ridiculous tactic. There was nothing she could do now; it was up to Levi. So she went back to Nagi.

The soft pink mouth of the Titan loomed ever closer. As soon as he could reach, Levi grabbed the bottom lip; trying not to gag at the revolting breath. When his hands closed around the warm flesh, he quickly hauled himself up and grabbed the nose.

Mind you, each of these actions were: A) Promptly followed by the Titan's hand and B) Made Levi want to vomit at touching the disgusting beast's face.

With his hands on the Titan's nose and his feet on the beast's upper lip, he could finally reach a group of hairs. Grasping them firmly, Levi played Tarzan around the Titan's head; it's greasy black hair providing a challenge to the well muscled Levi. As he swung around, he lashed out with the knife. Steam billowed from the Titan's newly ruined eye.

When eventually he reached the back of it's head; Levi found a firm handhold in the hair and and firm foothold on the giant's vertebrae. He began to hack away at the nape of the Titan's neck with his little knife. Each score sent a spray of scarlet over Levi's body.

Hael couldn't see Levi anymore; he went around the back of the Titan. She had no idea how he had managed to reach it's nape, and with the Titan slapping at the back of it's head, and staggering around holding it's eye, it couldn't be easy. So Hael turned to Nagi and called, "Stay here Nagi. I need to help your father."
"Mommy!" But Hael was already running for the feet of the Titan. Hael let out the most bloodcurdling scream possible to get the Titan's attention. It stopped and looked down, bending to grab it's next meal.

Levi was hacking apart the Titan's neck; but it just didn't seem to be enough. When the giant bent; Levi knew that it had to be Hael. He couldn't fail her again; he couldn't lose her again. With a surge of adrenaline, he cut deeply into the neck of the Titan.

Hael felt it shudder as it lifted her to it's mouth. The creature's eyes rolled back and it collapsed. Hael and Levi with it.

Hael kicked outward; dislodging it's grip on her. Then she was free falling, the ground racing closer. Hael tucked herself into a ball and rolled. Fortunately, she hit the Titan's hand before the ground, so when she did roll-- once, twice, three times-- she came up dazed but alive.

Nagi ran to her, "Mommy? Mommy are you okay?"
"I-- yes Nagi. I am." She was about to lay on the ground when Nagi said, "Where's daddy?"

Levi cursed. He hadn't figured this part out. He raced toward the grass, nothing to break his fall. In order not to get crushed, Levi tried to push away from the Titan... Only to find his hand still tangled in it's hair. Levi worked the hand out, finally, with a chop of Hael's knife, he severed the hair off the Titan and pushed away. But it was too late.

Levi smashed into the ground and knew nothing more but the distant scream of his beloved as an icey chill engulfed his body and mind.

As The Wind Blows (Sequel to Of Love and Loss)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum