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Nagi crouched in the alcove. The shadows hid her well. Her black hair cascaded down her back and shadowed her face. At seven years old, she was small. Nagi used this to her advantage and became adept at using darkness and her strange ability of changing her hair to hide and avoid people. Nagi didn't like people; she didn't enjoy the attention they forced on her and much preferred being alone.

Nagi heard the faintest scuff of boots on the stone a ways down the the hall. She tensed. It was time. Normally, when Nagi moved in the shadows, she was hard to see. When she stood still, she was invisible.
It was time.

Finally, a cloaked figure appeared, Nagi crouched down and launched herself at the person, taking him by suprise. Levi grunted as he tumbled to the ground.
"I got you that time!!" She shouted as he wrapped his arms around her and gasped.
"Tch. Yes, you did." Levi lied and kissed her on the nose, saying, "You hide well in the shadows, you little brat. But maybe next time choose a different spot." Nagi had been trying to scare her father for a year now; this was the first time he hadn't detected her. Of course, Captain Levi didn't startle easily. But, she also always jumped from the same little alcove; Levi had come to suspect it every time he walked by.

"Come on Nagi, you're mother said she had something planned for us."
Nagi squealed and took off down the hall, leaving Levi behind.

Levi sighed. This girl, she spent all her time hiding in shadows and avoiding people. He wished she had been like her mother in that regard. Hael was social, it appeared that Nagi was destined to be like Levi and not like people. Maybe if she had grown up around other children? Levi sighed. No since in dwelling on it. The past was the past.

There was also the strange matter of her hair... Maybe it was nothing. It probably was, but Hael was forever curious. Whatever she had planned, she refused to tell him; this sort of practice only went according to plan 30% of the time. Levi had a sinking feeling this wasn't one of those times.

Nagi was already with Hael by the time Levi got to their room.
"There you are!" Hael said and then poked Nagi who giggled and said, "What took you so long?"
Levi sighed, yes, this girl was a tiny carbon copy of Hael in every other aspect.

Hael stood up and winced at her hip, which still hurt sometimes. Levi lunged forward to help her, but she glared at him and ignored the hand, "I'm fine." She snapped.

Hael held up a bag then tossed it to Levi, "Here, I packed for us."
"You what? Where are we going?" Levi said, exasperated.
It was Nagi who answered. "You hafta wait and find out, daddy!" She had donned a similar pack to the one Levi now carried.
"Don't worry Levi, I got it all approved by Erwin." Levi didn't really want to know how or why he seemed to be the only one who didn't know what was going on.

Nagi had no idea where they were going either, but her mommy seemed confident and her daddy was just fun to annoy. She couldn't wait to leave the grounds; she never had before. Despite a little fear about the Titans, Nagi was raring to go and grabbed her father's hand, dragging him from their rooms.

Hael snagged one of his hands and Nagi the other as they pulled him out of their room. Levi looked behind him to see the room still in chaos, he winced as the door was shut on the messy room. But as the girls dragged him outside, he couldn't help but be happy despite himself. His girls. His daughter and wife. Just them going on some unknown adventure.

Levi smiled.


I really didn't know where I was going with this story up until now. I'm starting to get good plot line ideas. Hang around to find out what! I think this story is going to leave the realm of soley AoT and I'm going to add some magic... Maybe. Stay tuned to find out!

Oh! And gimme a star😋

As The Wind Blows (Sequel to Of Love and Loss)Where stories live. Discover now