Chapter 1- Answers

Start from the beginning

"Mama," said Shaira.

"Yes," I replied.

"Can we watch Prizmmy on the TV?" asked Shaira.

"Of course you can." I walk over to the living room and turn on the TV for them.

"Thank you Mama," said Shaira and she give me a great big hug.

"Okay I have to make sure the breakfast isn't burning." I let go of her and she jumps onto the couch and starts to sing along with Prizmmy. I go back into the kitchen and Shou is there waiting for me. I smile and he smiles back at me. He takes over the cooking. Then my phone rings in my pocket. And look at who's calling and its Mion. I answer the phone and say,

"Hey Mion." Shou looks at me. I shrug my shoulder at him and he nods at me and goes back to cooking.

"I want you and Shou to come down to pretty top as soon as possible." That's Mion for you always straight to the point.

"Sure be there in a half an hour." Mion hangs up the phone and I put my mobile back in my pocket.

"What was that about?" asked Shou. Then he wraps his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck.

"Mion wants us to go to pretty top," I answer.


"I don't know but I told her we be there in half an hour." Shou kisses me lightly and sweetly on the lips. We hear banging and it's coming from the girls, I run into the living room and the twins were fighting over the remote.

"I want to watch Puretty!" screamed Shara struggling to get the remote off her sister.

"No we're watching Prizmmy!" shouted Shaira trying to keep the remote.

"Hand over the remote now," I demand, "Breakfast is ready so you can go back into the kitchen now." Shaira hands over the remote and runs into the kitchen with her sister. We sit down at the table and eat the food Shou made for us. I texted Itsuki if he could mind the twins while Shou and I are in pretty top. He texted back yes and that Reina was suppose to go to pretty top with Prizmmy. The puzzle that Mion has given me is just getting harder and harder to figure out.

"Mama and Papa are going out together so your Uncle Itsuki is going to look after you," I tell Shaira and Shara as they eat their breakfast.

"Hurray we get to go to unie Itsuki house," they said in unison.

After breakfast we all get into the car. Shou drove to Itsuki house. I get out with the girls and knocked on the door. He answered the door pretty quietly enough.

"Now you be good girls for your uncle," I tell the twins.

"We will mama," they say in unison and run into the house.

"Thanks for doing this Itsuki," I say.

"So do you know anything about Mion wanting you two?" asked Itsuki.

"No she just called me all of a sudden," I answer, "well I better go now, and I'll pick those two up later." I walk back to the car and get it. Shou holds my hand and I kiss him on the cheek.

"When are we going to tell them about MARs and Callings?" he asks me. Our children do not know anything about MARs and Callings and the same with Rizumu's children. The four of us decided it would be best for now that they didn't know.

"I have a feeling it will be soon," I reply and he kisses me on the forehead. Shou let's go of my hand and we drives off to pretty top. We get out of the car and see Rizumu and Hibiki walking into pretty top.

"Rizumu chan! Rizumu chan! Rizumu chan!" I shouted running after her. She turns around and we share a great big hug.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked and notice that Shou is beside me now.

"Mion called me this morning," she asked me.

"That's strange we're here for the same reason," said Shou.

"So are Prizmmy to think of it, Itsuki told me," I stated.

"I wonder of it's about," Rizumu says to herself, "probably not never mind let's go." The four of us walk up to Mion's office. I open the door, Mion is siting at her desk, and Wataru is standing beside her. I notice that Prizmmy is already here crowded around Mions desk. The four of us walk into room and join Prizmmy.

"Great, now we're just waiting for one more group," Mion said. Then the door opens again and in comes Puretty. Prizmmy screams at their long lost friends. They share hugs all around and then the room is silent for a moment. Mion stands up and says,

"The reason I called all of you guys out here is because Puretty, Prizmmy and MARs are going to compete against each other in one last Prism Queen Cup and of course the Callings will have to be on stage too."

If you like this chapter please follow reign0207 their one who came up with the idea of this Fanfiction. So my thanks goes to you reign0207 for letting me write such a great Fanfiction.


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