Chapter 8 - My Boyfriend is Such a Pretty Girl

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I had to stay after school to tutor anyone who comes along to English supported study and as always no one has turned up. I'm just about to pack up my things when Levi walks through the door.

"Levi?" I stare at him, he's never came along before plus I thought he was really smart.

"Dylan? I didn't know you took this, I'll just leave." He begins to walk backwards out of the door but I stop him.

"No, if you need help I can give it to you." I walk over to him and pull him by the wrist to sit down.

"English is the only thing I'm getting a B in, I just really need that A." He looks...embarrassed? He really shouldn't be, some of the people that I have to tutor are just awful at it.

"Well I'll help you get it." I smile taking my books out of my bag and he does the same. We sit for about an hour and go over textual analysis, he's actually better at it than he thinks he his, I know he'll get an A for sure.

"So." He says when we are packing up. "How's Hunter?" He tries to slip her into conversation which takes me by surprise.

"She's fine, why?"

"No reason, I was just wondering." He shrugs slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"You have to stop this Levi." I tell him with a tone of annoyance in my voice.

"Stop what?" He asks innocently.

"You have to stop giving Hunter false hope that you like her, when I know you just like the attention she gives you." I'm tired of him always thinking he has Hunter in the palm of his hand.

"I've never said that I don't like her." He defends himself but I don't think he meant to let that one slip.

"So wait, you like her?" A wide smile appears on my face at the thought of how happy Hunter will be when she finds out that Levi likes her.

"No, well yes but I don't want to be tied down." I immediately roll my eyes.

"Don't be one of those boys Levi."

"What? I'm seventeen, I just want to have fun." And with that he walks out of the classroom not even giving me a second glance.

I decide not to tell Hunter about what Levi just said. It'll only give her even more false hope, poor girl.

I return home actually driving my car this time. Yes, I do own one its just that I'm shit scared of the road and driving makes me anxious and stuff so I tend not to do it. I walk up to my bedroom to see a half-naked Drew on my bed.

"What the hell?" I say putting my bag down on the floor.

"You're mum let me come up here and wait on you, I think she's starting to like me." He sits up and gives me the cutest smile ever.

"So you decided you'd take off your shirt?" I try and find a reasonable explanation for this but I just can't. "But I'm not complaining."

I lean down and place a soft but meaningful kiss on his lips before he puts his arms round my waist making me fall in top of him, our lips still attached. My laptop starts ringing which kills the mood causing Drew to moan out in frustration.

"Every time." He whimpers as I get off of him and answer Hunters's video call. As soon as her face appears on my screen she goes into some lavish explanation about how Levi took her home and she'd found out that he has a scholarship to the school which I already new, being in the tutor centre but I didn't want to burst her bubble.


That night Drew and the girls were round at mine. Of course Hunter was on her latest conquest to make us all fly out to LA or some shit. But I don't know how she was planning on affording it, not being mean or anything but she's not got the wealthiest family out of all of us, she did have to get a scholarship to afford coming to our school. I wish my mum was like hers though, easy going and care free. Mine is uptight and always assumes the worst in me with is really up lifting by the way.

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