Chapter 4 - Helping A....Friend?

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"Yeah so you can't come." Daniella breaks the news that I can't go to the party she's throwing for Drew, that's right just throw a party for him and invite none of his friends.

"What why not?" If this is about me having dinner with Drew then she is psychotic.

"You crossed the line of girl code Dylan and that's totally not cool." She genuinely looks upset but I didn't even do anything wrong.

"I've done nothing wrong." I defend myself against her accusation.

"I told you that I liked Drew, why the hell do you think I threw this stupid party." She crosses her arms across her chest.

"There's nothing going on between Drew and I." I try to explain to her but I don't really think she's listening.

"You're not invited Dylan, so don't show up. Oh and please don't tell Drew that I uninvited you, it'll just make him hate me." She states before strutting off to her car.

Well this is just perfect. Drew will be so mad that I'm not going but it's hardly my fault. I storm into the car park until I remember that I haven't brought my car, could life get any better at this moment?

"Dylan, do you need a ride home?" Nate comes walking towards me. What the hell? Why is he offering go take me home? Does he think now that he's fucking my best friend that it automatically makes us friends? Because he's sadly mistaken.

"Em I'm sure I can find another way." I say awkwardly and walk past him.

"No, wait. I'm going to Levi's and your house is just round the corner, next to Drew's right? Plus you're on crutches, you can hardly walk home."

He's making this really hard for me to say no, which is really fucking annoying.

"Fine." I give in and follow him over to his car. "But this doesn't make us friends, okay?"

"What why not?" He asks as we sit in the car and he turns the keys in the ignition.

"Because we've never spoken in the five years we've known each other and now that you are fooling around with Maisie you think that you and I can be friends."

Okay. Maybe I went a little harsh on him but I don't particularly like him if you hadn't guessed.

"I was just trying to be nice, something you are obviously not familiar with." He pulls out of the car park and makes his way towards my house.

"I can be nice."

"Really? Because I've never seen it happen."

I can't tell whether or not he's joking but this whole situation is just weird.

"So are you coming to Daniella's party tonight?" He asks after a minute of complete silence.

"No, I'm not invited." I fold my arms over my chest.

"What? Why not? Is Maisie?" He looks worried for a second and then returns his face back to his usual 'I don't care' look.

"Yeah she's invited."

"So why aren't you?" He looks over at me with a confused facial expression and I can tell that this might be a hard one for him to take in.

"She thinks I have something for Drew." I shrug.

"Don't you?" He asks like its the most obvious thing in the world. Does it really look like I like him? I mean I don't think I like him in that way.

"What? No, of course not." I try and brush off the conversation with a nervous laugh but I don't really think he's buying it.

"Okay, well here you go." He pulls up outside my house and I hop out of the car.

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