Chapter 7 - The Boy Stealing Bitch

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"Five pounds says you can't down this glass of water in ten seconds." Maisie slams down a glass of water in front of means places a box of chips in front of her.

"What no." I push the glass towards her but she pushes it back towards me.

"I knew you couldn't do it." She shakes her head in disappointment.

"Maisie we're in school. Not just any school South Burn Academy, one of the most prestigious high schools in UK."

"Do it." She pushes the glass closer to me.

"No stop it." I push it away but she pushes it back. "No." I say a little more harshly pushing the glass back just to have it returned to me by Maisie.

"Suddenly Hunter bursts into the dinner hall with some paper in her hands.

"We've been invited to Daniella's amazing and great back to school party!" She said in the worst American accent I've ever heard.

"What a privilege." I put my hand on my heart dramatically.

"We are defo going though guys." Maisie always has loved parties.

Seeing as it's our last back to school party I'm guessing that this will be bigger and better than ever.

"Who the hell would have a back to school party three weeks into the school year?" Drew appears sitting down next to us with one of Daniella's flyers in his hands.

"Daniella does whatever she wants. You'll get used to her 'I bought new shoes' parties and her 'my dog just died I'm sad' parties." I explain to him, he obviously didn't have this at his last school.

"Those parties did actually happen." Maisie chuckles. "Don't like her do you?"

"She always messes up my hair and goes 'sex hair looks good on you'. She's creepy." Okay, that's made me hate Daniella just that little bit more.


The thought of having to go to Daniella's party tonight literally makes me want to cry.

"Hey, you'll have me." Drew says trying on a pair of my sunglasses in my dressing table mirror.

"Yeah, I guess but couldn't we just stay home." I get up off of of my bed and put my hands on his shoulders.

"I promised the guys I's be there, plus, the girls would really want you to go." I hate it when he's right.

"Fine, but you have to leave." I take the sunglasses off of his face and try and lift him off the seat.

"Why?" He pouts his lip and stands up to face me.

"Because the girls are coming over to get ready and you'll need to get ready too, I'm not going with you if you don't look hot." I start to shove him out of my bedroom door.

"Wait, what do you mean? I always look smoking." He gives me a cocky grin and raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that." I giggle and my mum appears in the hallway.

"Oh hello Drew." She looks over at him and I feel his whole body stiffen.

"Hello Mrs Brodie." He says nervously, he's never properly met my parents so this should be fun.

"Drew is just leaving, I'm getting ready for Daniella's party tonight." I try and save him from this awkwardness.

"Oh and Drew are you going to this party?" She asks him with a concerned look on her face.

"Yes." He answers not sure if it was the right one.

"Well, don't get up to any funny business." She crosses her arms and gives Drew a stern look. This could not get anymore embarrassing.

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