Chapter 5 - Working On It

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"Levi, why weren't you there?" Daniella questions Levi in the library on our free period.

"I told you I had to look after my little sister." He says nervously, I can tell he's not very good at the whole 'lying' thing.

"But I really needed you, if you know what I mean." She lightly strokes his shoulder which makes me want to be sick in my own mouth. I would do anything not to be here right now.

"I thought you were 'done' with me? Moved on to Drew or whatever." He mumbles and opens his 'World History' textbook.

"Yeah but he didn't show up either." She slouches in her chair looking like she'd just been told her credit card was declined.

"Hey, Dylan I need you to help me with my...shoulder." Maisie says from behind me. I could literally kiss her right now for getting me out of this situation.

"Oh yeah, sorry guys. She needs shoulder help." I pick up my notebooks and rush out of the library with her. Well, as fast as you can when you are on crutches.

"That looked like torture." She laughs as we walk down the corridor together.

"Thank you so much, I owe you one." I hug her from the side.

"Yeah you do and you also owe me for telling you everything that happened at Daniella's party for Drew that Drew didn't even turn up for." She takes my arm and pulls me into some empty math classroom.


"Hey gorgeous." Drew comes up behind me and pulls me round into a kiss, it takes everything within me to push him off.

"Drew! You know you can't do that!" I giggle and slap his arm playfully.

"I just can't help myself." He does that little smirk that I always see playing on his lips when he's happy.

"Daniella will brutally murder me if she finds out about this." I shake my head at him which makes him pout.

"I couldn't give a shit about Daniella." He rolls his eyes and the smirk fades from his face.

"Yeah I know that but she's sort of my friend."

"You're friend? The one who didn't even invite you to my party?" He raises his eyebrows at me and I know he's right.

"Okay I see where you're coming from but I'm not ready for Daniella to kill me yet."

And as if she had heard me she comes strutting over to the table that me and Drew are sat at.

"Hey, you didn't come to the party I threw you. What was that? I looked like an idiot." She hisses at Drew who looks terrified at this moment.

"You didn't invite Dylan, or Hunter." He shrugs and looks away from the death glare Daniella is giving him.

"It's okay, I forgive you." She instantly puts on a smile, acting like its Drew that needs to be forgiven. Daniella starts to ramble on about the shoes she was wearing or something when i catch a glimpse of Levi walking to his car out of the corner of my eye.

"Hold on I'll be back in minute." I stand up steadying myself on my crutches before moving as fast as I can towards Levi.

"Hey Levi!" I call over to him and he turns round to look at me, his face is so pale.

"How is your sister?" I ask sympathetically.

"Yeah, she's doing okay. Thanks by the way, I kind of lost my cool last night." He lets out a little laugh but it sounded uneasy.

"You can't lose what you never had Mr Jones." I smirk as I turn around to walk back to Drew who will be pulling his hair out listening to Daniella's life story. "Oh and I really hope she's better soon."

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