Chapter 2- Once a Mate

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I stare at the Alpha my mouth opening and closing like a fish. The man in front of me had crystal blue eyes and pitch black hair. He was fit and muscular with a sharp jawline and wise eyes; very masculine.

"Why are all the men in this pack partially or extremely attractive? " I internally ask.

The Alpha smirks, "Lost for words little rogue?"

I growl. Nobody calls me rogue, EVER.

"Pff. Why would I be? It's not like you are something to look at!" I snap. After a few moments of silence, I mentally slap myself, "where are the comebacks when I need them?"

Pierce smirks, "Hey Jackson, be careful with this one, she might have a sharp tongue." Alpha Jackson flashes a grin, looking back at Pierce before stepping closer to me.

"This little princess? I doubt it." His finger traces my jawline causing shivers to run down my spine. "I can do whatever I want to her and she won't do anything, like most females."

My eyes narrow, "I would insult you back, Alpha, but I am afraid nature did that for me."

Pierce bursts into laughter as Alpha Jackson's eyes turn dark. His deep voice tests me,"Well, if you are searching for a fight..... you got one. Fight me."

Stupid unfiltered tongue!

"Bring it!" I hiss.

In a blink I was pinned down under Alpha Jackson. My pelvis was between his knees and his hands held my wrists down. His breath tickles my ear as he whispers, "Say it Princess."

"Say what!" I snap back, my eyes roaming him quickly. His touch around my wrists was causing tingling to travel up my arms.

Alpha Jackson smirks, "That you will bow down to me."

I hiss back, "If I was meant to be controlled I would come with a remote."

"Well I must resort to this." He leans down as my face floods of color. He slowly kisses my neck and my body shivers, wanting him to go further. I hold back a moan before snapping back to reality. What the freak am I doing? "Then I will have to resort to this." I whisper.

My knee slams to where the sun doesn't shine and he hisses in pain, letting me go.

I jump up, taking a fighting stance as he stands up like I never hit him. "That's a first." He smirks.

"First what?" I say, holding his gorgeous blue eyes.

"First time a girl fought back."

My eyes widen. Then, a burning sensation grabs hold of my shoulder as I felt like my shoulder was being cut open. I scream out in agony dropping down onto my hands and knees. I gasp for breath as I hear shouts from the two people around me. I felt like I was on fire. I scream once more feeling my eyes keep changing from normal to fire colored and back again.

I sit up, gasping for breath and rip off my shirt. I see two pairs of legs around me as I watch my dragon tattoo get bigger. The thick black start moving down my arm slowly, creating a new design. I scream as more lines start to snake down my arm and across my chest. I felt like I was being cut open. Finally the lines stop moving. The pain disappears and I collapse onto the floor, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

"Holy sh*t. What the f*ck!" was the first thing I heard. My eyes snap open and I jump up, gasping for breath in fear. My legs shake under my weight and I sit back down onto the bleachers. I was still in the gym but I was moved to the bleachers. All the werewolves that I fought were still on the floor, now all asleep. Standing next to me was Beta Pierce, Alpha Jackson, and Jayden (the werewolf I fought first).

"W-what happened?" I ask, and then memories flood into me. I immediately lift off the new shirt that was put on me and gasp.

My dragon tattoo had spread and now there were three dragons that were intertwined together. My first dragon was still black with non-colored scales. The second dragon was curled around the first dragon and its tail was swirled on my chest. It had gleaming scales that were completely colored in with a dark grey, almost black color. The third dragon wrapped around my forearm like a snake and was a snow white color.

"Well, you see, after you finished your 'mini-fight' with Alpha Jackson, you collapsed onto the floor in pain and your tattoo design grew on its own accord. We dragged you over to the bleachers and let you sleep. You have been asleep for a couple of hours. Everyone else went to bed a long time ago." Pierce says, coming to sit next to me.

"Ah...." I mumble, looking around the sleeping bodies. "D-do you know what it means?"

Jayden scoffs, "We have no clue. When I finally woke up and saw you on the floor, passed out with the tattoo. I was surprised that you would get one of those... human things. But then in front of my eyes black lines randomly appeared on your skin and started moving down like snakes. Alpha here got all possessive of me looking at your chest and placed you into that shirt."

I look towards Alpha Jackson who was now glaring at Jayden. I pinch the bridge of my nose, "So it's not human. Fantastic!"

"Well, we kinda already knew that sweetheart. Your random appearance of super-speed told us that, then the magically growing lines......well....." Pierce smirks.

I burry my head in my hands before a thought popped into my head, "Wait, why didn't you guys put me back to my dorm room?"

Pierce and Jayden share a smirk, looking toward Alpha Jackson who was still as solemn as ever. "You are the student we are taking back with us."

"What!" I shout leaping up. "Why?!"

Pierce grins, "You kinda took down all of the warriors. Though they were going easy, you did easily take them down. You also gave me a slight challenge when I went into a duel with you. And like Jackson said, you were the first girl who fought him back. That, and checking your history and asking other people how you were, you are completely qualified."

I groan, leaning back against the bleachers, "When am I going back with you guys?"

Pierce opens his mouth but Alpha Jackson beats him to it, "Tomorrow, first thing in the morning."

I mumble under my breath, referring to Alpha Jackson, "Interrupting much?"

Pierce cracks up into laughter, hearing my comment as Jayden and Jackson just shoot him confused looks. Pierce grins, winking at me.

A growl erupted from Alpha Jackson as he holds Pierce's eyes. Pierce's eyes widen and he looks towards Jayden. It looks like they were having a conversation without talking.

"Mind Link? Remember?" A small voice in my head says. "Right." I think to myself.

"So anyway..." I cough, getting the boys out of the mind link, "Um, can I get a shirt?"

Instantly all three guys' eyes snap towards my bare chest that was only covered by my bra.

Pierce looks up at Jackson, smirking. "Here sweetheart." He tosses me the shirt that I took off and I quickly put it back on.

Alpha Jackson shakes himself to look from me and turns around, "I'm going to go make a phone call." With that he turns away, walking into the boy's locker room. I snicker.

Pierce looks at me and smirks, "What are you hiding."

I tense, "How do you know that?"

"We kinda figured that out ourselves based on your history. Now, stop changing the subject."

I give a guilty smile and chuckle, "Alpha Cocky will have a hard time making a call."

Pierce and Jayden raise an eyebrow toward me as I sigh and slowly pull out a cell phone from my shoe. Their mouths drop.

Pierce laughs, "How did you do that?"

I grin as I respond, "Remember when Alpha Jackson, a.k.a. Alpha Cocky, had me pinned down? Well, all my eye roaming was to find something to steal."

Jayden chuckles, "We are going to have a fun time training her."

Pierce and Jayden share a smirk before a yell sounds through the gym. "Who the fuck has my phone?!"

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