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A/N: I've been waiting to publish this part and I would've waited until tomorrow but I'm too excited to. So, here you go!


With tears running down my face I rushed through the streets trying to get to a safer place. He was hot on my tail and I was so scared at this moment. I tried ending it this time, I was ready to let him go, but he wouldn't let me. 

My eye was starting to swell shut and my face burned. I was trying to keep calm but it was hard to when a mad man was literally on my tale.  I quickly called Leo so that he'd know I was coming.


"He's gone crazy! He-He just snapped! I'm really scared." I whimpered, my body shaking

"Where are you?" He asked urgently

"In my car....and he's following me." I swallowed

"How far away are you?"

"I'm a few minutes away-"


I felt a violent push from the back end and felt my car swerve. screaming, I fought to control it the best I could, barely avoiding crashing into a tree. I got back onto the road again and pushed my foot onto the gas as hard as I could.

"Ellie!? What was that noise, you there? I heard Leo yelling

I grabbed the phone that miraculously landed on the passenger seat and put it close to my ear with shaking hands.

"He just hit the back of me."

"How far are you!?"

"I'm around the corner." I said shakily

I literally turned the next bend on two tires and raced up Leo's drive way. I hit the brakes hard and quickly cut off the car, rushing out of my drivers side not even bothering to shut the door. Leo was running towards me. I ran into his arms and he hugged me tight to him. I was shaking uncontrollably and could hardly breathe. 

"Shit, what did he do to you? What happened" Leo asked horrified, holding me arm's length ahead of him

"I tried breaking up with him." I said faintly 

Soon I heard tires squeal behind me and the trembling only intensified.

"Get behind me." He said sharply.

I complied quickly.

I heard a door slam shut and cowered behind Leo as if his very presence could make me disappear.

"I won't let him hurt you." He murmured to me

"Of course you would run to him. Bitch, you never cease to disappoint me."

"Don't talk to her that way." Leo said grimly, pushing me more behind him

"This doesn't concern you Leo. Now move out of the way." Chris slurred

I heard the shift of gravel as Chris got closer.

"Take one more step and you'll regret it." Leo growled

"Move out of the way! What I do with my woman is none of your business."

He reached around Leo to grab me, but Leo in turn punched him and he staggered back, clutching his nose

"Shit that hurts!"

I peeked around Leo and saw that Chris' nose was running like a faucet

"Get the hell off of my property you piece of shit! Don't come back or come near Ellie again."

Mine (Book 2 of the His Series)Where stories live. Discover now