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After many drinks later, the world suddenly took on a very warm, syrupy ambiance. Everything was warm, flittly, light, and funny. I giggled at absolutely nothing. 

Chris had hardly taken any drinks at all. 

He must have cheated and It was getting late at this point.

"Okay Ellie, that is enough of the juice box for tonight." He said, putting everything away.

"Oh come on Chris, it's not even late." I drawled, slurring my words.

I sat up from my place on the couch, only to fall flat on my face into the adjacent cushion.

"No, it's time that we go to bed yeah?" He said

"But I want to keep playing."

I felt myself hauled up from the couch and shut my eyes, feeling my head spin. My cheek laid against his warm chest. I felt his chest move from laughter.

"Maybe tomorrow night. Man, I never know how much of a light weight you were when it came to liquor. I'll go easy on you next time."

I went to smack his chest, but clumsily my hand only hit air. He laughed harder as he took me to his room.

"Oh baby what am I gonna do with you?"

"Love me." I smirked drunkenly

He looked towards me with a smile.

"I already do." He replied, gingerly placing me under the covers

My head lolled to the side of my pillow.

"I'm a mess." I laughed

"That's alright." He murmured, kissing the side of my head

His lips felt soothing.

"You always accept me. Get mad at me sometimes, I know I can be a handful." I wined

"Rest now alright?" He chuckled, ignoring me

But I had beat him to the punch, my eyes already starting to shut. I felt his chest pressed firmly against my back, more kisses placed in soothing places. I giggled and squirmed a bit.

"If you keep it up I won't be able to sleep." I said happily

"Can't help it."

"You're sweet." I smiled to myself

He wrapped his arms around me and I felt swallowed up. In no time, the warmth and softness had me falling into a deep sleep.

I awoke I guess a few hours later. I had the driest mouth and needed a glass of water. I was a bit groggy and out of it, but I noticed not too long later that I didn't have his arms around me. Nor did I have his warm body beside me. I looked around and lo and behold he wasn't even in the room. I got up a bit shakily and traipsed out of his bedroom and into the general living area. I didn't see him there either. In fact, the lights were out.


I didn't get an answer. I walked to the front door and opened it, looked out and didn't see anything. I shut it and got myself the water that I wanted. I sat on the couch and waited for him to come back I guess. I sat there probably a good hour before I heard the key in the lock and saw the door open. He stepped in and threw his keys into the key bowl. He was sweaty, shirtless, with a weary look in his eye. He was flexing his left hand into a fist and I then saw that it was bruised. He hadn't noticed me yet, but I also saw that his lip was bleeding.

Mine (Book 2 of the His Series)Where stories live. Discover now