"Yeah," I nodded and went back to trying to put a worm on my hook again.

It started to get very bright around me and my six year old self and my younger looking dad seemed to fade away.

I was in a very bright place.

"Lyra," a voice called.

I hadn't heard the voice for a very very long time but I knew it better than my own name.

"Mom?" I asked an looked around,it couldn't be her, could it?

A beautiful woman stood in front of me in white. Her image mirrored mine but in a more mature way.

"Mom," I smiled and ran to hug her, oh how I missed her.

Her warmth spread through me.

"Hi baby," she hummed, holding me to her.

She pulled away from me and held me at arms length, "You look so grown up, so beautiful."

I giggled and felt happy tears run down my cheeks, "Momma where are we?"

"This is the place in between life and death," she whispered seriously.

"I-I'm dead?" I gasped.

"No baby, your body wants you to die but you just won't give up. I'm glad you're not giving out. There's someone who needs you and you need to be alive to help them," she grinned at me proudly, her melodious voice seemed to float around me.

"Who? Dad?" I asked.

"Well, your father too, but there's someone else who will need you fatally. Listen to me honey, you need to help them. They will need you so desperately and you will need them."

"Who mom?"

"I-..... I need to go soon," she whispered, looking over her shoulder.

"No! Mom don't leave me please!" I cried, suddenly feeling young and small.

"Not again, I need you!" I hugged her to to me tightly.

"I love you," she kissed my forehead.

"I love you too momma," I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Remember to help them. Don't leave them. Don't push them away. You need each other."

"Help who? Who is 'them?,' " I looked at her frantically.

"I have to go, remember, you're not alone," she smiled at me and began to fade.

"Help who?! Momma don't leave me, I want to go with you!" I cried out as she disappeared.

"I'm always with you. You're going to be fine," her voice promised faintly.

"Mom!" I sobbed with tears streaming down my face.

The brightness increased and I shielded my eyes from it.

I gasped for air and sat up straight. My body instantly protested from the movement. I groaned and looked around. It was morning, a bird sang it's beautiful song somewhere near me.

I slowly inched my way out of the plane piece. The bright morning light was warm while the air was cool. Mist kissed the ground I stood on.

I remembered my mother and my dream. It comforted me somewhat but made me think I was going crazy.

My shoulder throbbed horribly. It was stiff and very hard to move. I sucked in a breath, got down on one knee and stuck my fingers underneath the knee that was on the ground.

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