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Hai minna, it's been a while since I posted a one-shot and I wanted to do some light writing so I thought I should update this!

It's based off a scene I saw in a show I was watching. Get ready for the fluff ;3

Note: Natsu will be slightly OOC and also this is AU.


"Luce," Natsu whined, "I'm bored!"

Lucy set down her textbook for the tenth time that day, rolling her eyes, "I'm trying to study for the chemistry test, if you don't mind."

"But Lucyyyyy, the test isn't until Friday, and it's Sunday!" He continued, "You could at least pay some attention to me."

Raising an eyebrow, she turned to the pink-haired teen lying on her bed, "Why do you want my attention?"

Natsu stiffened, turning the other way, "I-I meant, you've b-been studying all day and I'm getting bored."

Lucy narrowed her eyes, Did Natsu just stutter?! Shaking her thoughts aside, she sighed and closed her textbook, "So what do you want to do?"

Natsu perked up, but had no ideas, "I dunno."

So Natsu and Lucy ended up wandering around the apartment looking for something to do. The couch and TV looked appealing to Lucy, but Natsu didn't feel like it, since he'd go from lying down and watching Lucy to lying down and watching TV. Eventually, they made it to the kitchen, and upon looking at the fridge, Lucy had a good idea.

"Are you up for a game?"

Natsu met her eyes, "Of course!"

Lucy laughed at his childishness, and told him to close his eyes. He obediently complied. Lucy opened the fridge, reaching for the first item she saw - cream cheese. She took some on a spoon, "Okay, I'm going to feed you something and you guess what it is."

Natsu smiled and nodded, opening his mouth. She fed him the spoonful of cream cheese, and he immediately recognized it, "Cream cheese. This is gonna be so easy!"

Lucy laughed, pulling out mustard from the cupboard. She knew Natsu despised it, 'A sauce from hell,' she quoted. Squirting it out on the spoon, she fed him again. It took him a moment to register the taste, and he immediately opened his eyes and spit it into the sink. Lucy burst into laughter, looking at his disgusted face with amusement.

"Ewwwwww, mustard! Lucy you're so mean!" He whined.

Lucy just continued laughing, trying to get it under control but failing miserably.

Natsu just seemed to start feeling annoyed, "Fine, close your eyes. It's my turn."

Lucy felt her laughter die down, and sweat-dropped nervously. Natsu was knows as the prankster in their high school, and she was sure he would hold his reputation in their little "game". Hesitantly, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth. A spoonful of thick, sweet liquid met her, and immediately she felt scared. This was a good item - was Natsu being nice?

"M-maple syrup." She said anxiously.

"Correct!" She could almost see Natsu's evil smirk. More sweat began collecting at her forehead.

This time, there was no spoon. It was a circular food, with a peel. As the inside taste hit her, she immediately backed away, opening her eyes, "Lemon!"

Her face was contorted from the extreme sourness - the sweetness of the maple syrup made it worse. It was Natsu's turn to laugh at her misery, and he did so loudly and surely to get in her face. Oh, it was so on!

"Very funny," She said sarcastically, "Anyways, it's my turn."

Natsu closed his eyes with a smug look on his face, not yet realizing fully what she could feed him. Lucy opened the fridge once again, scanning the contents thoroughly. Her eyes landed on a glass bottle, and she felt the smirk rising to her face. She unscrewed the lid, pouring it into the spoon.

She fed Natsu, and waited for his reaction. His cheeks started to turn red, and he opened his eyes in alarm, "Hot sauce!"

Lucy laughed as he ran to the sink, sticking his tongue under the tap to try and stop the effect. She poured him a glass of milk, she wasn't completely heartless, and watched him drain it down. After the spicy feeling seemed to have washed away for the most part, he looked at her with a murderous expression.

She yelped as Natsu lunged for her, barely getting away. Laughing the entire way as he chased her, she stuck out her tongue to tease him even further. Turning into a random room to get away, she realized it was her bedroom and there was no way out. She turned to leave but Natsu was at the doorway. Busted.

He full-on tackled her, making them both land on the bed in a tangle of limbs. Lucy found herself pinned under Natsu, and his arms held her in place. She squirmed to get free but his grip was too strong.

"Natsu let go of m-" Looking up at him, she realized how close they were and she felt herself unable to talk. Natsu's face was mere inches from hers, and he met her eyes with an intense gaze.

"You've been bad," He said in a scolding voice, his face reddening ever so slightly, "And now you need punishment."

He pressed his lips on Lucy's, and her eyes widened in surprise. Feeling blood rush to her cheeks, she closed her eyes and felt herself liking the punishment. Natsu finally broke this kiss, but Lucy didn't open her eyes. She didn't know what to say or do, and as she imagined looking at him she felt the room temperature rise slightly. Why was it so damn hot?!

Finally, Lucy opened her eyes, seeing Natsu look at her in a way she'd never seen before. He chuckled at her being so flustered, "They tell me I'm the dense one, yet it took you so long to figure this out."

"W-what?" Her voice was barely audible but Natsu heard it and felt his heart speed up even more. He felt overwhelmingly happy that he was the only one who could make her so flustered and make her completely speechless.

Lucy decided it was Natsu's turn to feel flustered, "Natsu? I think... I think I may be in love with my best friend but I just don't know how to tell him."

Natsu's eyes widened at her confession and he suddenly found himself unable to speak, "Lucy... I-"

"Would you two just make out already?"

A familiar voice made Narsu spring off the bed so fast it took Lucy a moment to process it. She quickly followed suit, jumping up to face her roommate, Levy McGarden. Lucy looked at the clock, realizing it was 7 already and that's why she was home.

"If you'd like to do any funny business, please don't be too loud." She said, winking and turning around.

"Levy!!" Lucy yelled, feeling the blush creep back on her cheeks.

Natsu also reddened but said nothing, suddenly finding the floor boards extremely interesting, "I'll, uh, see you later, Luce."

She watched him go, a small smile on her face. Levy teased her non-stop, of course, but her attention was mostly on her pink-haired frie-


And for the record, she aced her chemistry test.


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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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