Chapter 6//A Temporary Something

Start from the beginning

"Maybe you're a bad kisser."

"Shut up. I'm a great kisser."

"Wait, hang on," Holland said. "Didn't you turn him down on Sunday though?"

Shailene nodded sombrely. "Yeah," she murmured quietly.

"Then what's your problem?"

Shailene thought for a bit. She'd turned Ky down because he expected too much from her. He was flirty and cute, but there was something too...much about him. She got the feeling that he was using her; being sweet so he could get into her pants (gross, but the lightest way of putting it). He hadn't been at school for more than a week, and he'd already gained a reputation as a "fuckboy." He'd sent Shailene a few texts, each more suggestive than the last. "U up? ;)" followed by an unsolicited shirtless pic (thanks, but no thanks) seemed to be his favourite line. He also took to calling her "babe," and sent her a goodnight text, and yet he didn't even spare her a glance at school. He had eyes for everyone but the girl he kissed on the porch. And it sucked.

Of course, Holland already knew this. Being Shailene's best friend, she'd seen the screenshots and heard the rant. But even the Queen of Flirting herself (Holland, definitely not Shailene) couldn't figure out an angle Ky might be playing that kept Shailene in his sights. And that also sucked.

"You need to relax," Holland coached, interrupting Shailene's thoughts for the second time that night.

"Ky is going to be there—"

"Then you need to decide right now how you're going to spend your night. Are you going to spend it whining and pining over him, or having fun with your best friend?"

"Summer's not going to be here."


Shailene sighed. She knew it wasn't worth it to be upset over a boy (it never was), but she couldn't help it. He was cute and he'd kissed her and Shailene had screwed up her chances with him.

"Stop being so angsty," Holland said, "we're going to have fun."

Holland turned onto Ryan's street and parked in front of the neighbour's house. Shailene counted at least six cars parked in front of Ryan's house. Techno music pounded from the backyard, and there were over a dozen kids milling around and dancing. She spotted a few red solo cups and grimaced.

"Why are we here, again?" she asked.

"Chill, Raccoon. Ryan's not the type to throw a crazy out-of-control party—"

"That's what they all say!"

"—and I'm pretty sure his mom is home."

Shailene paused, hope blooming in her chest. "Really? Awesome. Someone I can talk to."

Holland shook her head reproachfully. "You can dress her up, but you can't take her out."

They got out of Holland's ugly old Buick and took in the scene. The setting sun bathed the house in a golden glow. Laughter and music pulsed through the air. People hung out in clusters on the front yard, nursing glass bottles of lemonade and chatting. Shailene could see tiki torches set up in the backyard, orange flames flickering and dancing in the slight September breeze. The weather was nice for an autumn night in Canada, so it made sense to take advantage of it. The air was somewhat humid and the breeze was but a feather against skin. It was a perfect night, and Shailene would've loved to be on a hill watching the sunset, or pretty much anywhere other than a random party.

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