Chapter 4//Boys

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Shailene's POV

SHAILENE HAD SEEN THE NEW GUY AROUND ALL DAY. In the parking lot in the morning, in the halls, at lunch. He looked so familiar, but Shailene just couldn't place him. Where had she seen the new kid before? The answer came to her after school when he walked onto the bus.

It was kind of like a movie; the cool new guy walks onto the bus, turning heads and dropping jaws. Everyone stared as if Jesus Christ himself had walked in singing Hallelujah — or maybe that was just the chorus harmonizing in her head. This boy was a perfect ten, and he was headed straight for her.

"Is this seat taken?"

Shailene, who'd been pretending to be intensely focused on the notes app of her phone, looked up to see the new kid standing above her. He flashed her a charming grin, and her stomach flipped. You know when you see an attractive stranger and you're like, damn, and you know nothing about them but if they asked you right then and there to marry them, you'd totally say yes? That was Shailene right then.

"Um, yes. I mean no!" she stammered, a hand flying up to her temple embarrassedly. "You can sit here."

He gave her an amused smile, and she prayed he couldn't tell she was taking in everything about him, from his sandy brown hair to full lips to sharp jawline. He had Ray-Ban sunglasses on and despite living in Canada, his skin was a deep bronze colour.

So attractive, Shailene thought.

"I feel like I know you from somewhere," she told the boy, trying to remain calm and ease the pounding of her heart in her chest.

He nodded in agreement. "I thought so too, but I wasn't sure. What's your name?"

"Shailene Avery."

The boy's eyes widened. "Shay? It's Ky! From junior high."

A jolt went through her as she suddenly realized who he was: Ky Morrison, a friend of hers from way back when. Also, her first real crush. Boy, had he changed. The Ky Shailene remembered was a mousy kid with lanky limbs and a small gap between his two front teeth, but she'd liked him for his affinity for Marvel comics.

"Wow," she said appraisingly. Then she realized how creepy that sounded and immediately added, "It's been a long time!"

Ky laughed and Shailene felt a frisson of excitement. Here she was, with a new old friend — an attractive new old friend at that. What were the odds?

Brayden walked onto the bus then, eyeing Ky curiously. She waved at him grandiosely and he rolled his eyes at her. Ky turned to her with furrowed brows and a questioning smile.

     "Who's that?" he asked.

     "That's my—"



     "—Friend. Brayden," she replied.

     He nodded his head. "Is he just a friend?"

     Shailene laughed awkwardly. She wasn't sure if they were even friends, much less more than friends. But after the skateboarding lesson, she'd felt a sense of accomplishment. The only reason she'd asked all those questions was to get closer to him, and therefore closer to being friends. And it worked. They were getting closer. At the very least, he didn't seem to hate her presence as much anymore.

     She nodded her head firmly. "Yep, just friends."

     Ky gave her a flirty smirk and she tried to ignore the flutter in her stomach and the heavy thumping of her heart. She didn't want to get ahead of herself or anything, but there definitely seemed to be something between her and Ky. An instant spark. A connection.

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