5 | Yes, Private

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Tristan's POV


It's been about three day's since Hailey passed away. Andrew hasn't been taking it nice. He wakes up at least three times a night, having a bad dream, or just plain out crying out. I've been there comforting the poor child. He spends most of his days in his room, playing video games or staring blankly at the wall.

"Andrew!" I called up the stairs.

"Yeah dad?" He called down, walking down.

"I have news." I sighed.

"Ok...?" He questioned me.

"Dinners ready, I'll tell you at the dinner table."

After being seated at the table, with the gourmet meal of, homemade tacos. 

"Andy, I enrolled you into school at Westwood Elementary..." I told him.

"You mean as in Westwood PRIVATE Elementary School? Where you were polo shirts and khakis?" 

"Yes...why?" I was now nervous.

"Dad! You want me to go to a Private school? I get it, you're like majorly rich, but why can't I live a normal life?" 

"I want what is best for you Andrew." I said serious.

"Well I want my old life back, 'DAD'." Andrew yelled.

"Drew. Calm down..." I said. 

"DREW?" He asked, tasting it on his tongue with a disgusted face. "Who are you!? I told you to call me ANDY or ANDREW!" 

"I made a mistake Andrew! God! This isn't easy! And you're being worse than ever! I can't learn anything if the only time you talk to me is when I practically drag you down the stairs to get three meals in you at a time! Do you need a counselor or something? What is your deal! I am trying Andy, can you see!? But you." I pointed at him, sure that my vein on my neck was sticking out in anger. "You are terrible! You are going to a Private School, end of story! You are going to a counselor, end of story! And you and I, we are going to sit down in the living room after you eat dinner until nine, then you will go to bed, no if's, and's or but's!" 

"Oh! Listen to you!" He yelled angrily, standing up. "Father of the year." He rolled his eyes, and went storming up the stairs.

Once I heard his bedroom door slam shut, I pick up my glass plate and threw it at the wall. This is so hard, Hailey, it's too much to handle. I guess I give it another try after I clean up the mess.

After one long feeling time of cleaning, I went up and changed into a plain white t-shirt and grey sweat pants. I knocked on Andy's door.

"What do you want dad?" He groaned.

"Can I come in?" I asked opening the door.

"Sure." He shrugged.

"Sorry about earlier, kiddo." I said patting his shoulder sitting on the bed next to him.

"You were right, I am making it hard, dad I'm sorry!" He said clinging to me and crying.

"It's alright Andy." I said patting his head awkwardly. 

"Do I really have to go to a counselor?" He asked against my shoulder.


"How about school, can I go to a public school?"


"I have to go to a private school?" 

"Yes, Private."

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