That Story For Another Day - Story 1 of 2

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Welcome to story time, kiddes! Welcome and sit down, I wish to share my story about my pent up rage, fun, huh? *laughs manically*


*que harp sound and warbling screen flashback thing*

I was in Grade 2, and I had a bully, who's name we won't mention, and he had been treating me and people I really cared about like total shit.

So, one fateful day, he stepped a little too far and all that rage overtook me.

I jumped on him like the fucking ninja I am, and he fell to the ground.

He was face up and I punched him until his nose was bleeding and he had a few bruises and a busted lip.

He was crying the whole time and pushed me off.

He ran into the toilets and I roared like a majestic fucking lion and bolted after him.

He only just made it into a cubicle. He kept trying to close it but, due to rage, I was stronger.

I shoved the door so fucking hard, that, even if you don't wanna believe it, it still happened, that I broke his kneecap.

I had slammed it the space between the concrete wall and a wooden door.

He pushed with his other leg, or tried to, while I kept slamming the door with strength I didn't even know I had, into his knee.

His screams becoming louder.

3 teachers had to drag me out, keep in mind they were all fully grown males, and @PandaHS.

With their combined effort, they held me back.

While that piece of shit was taken, screams and all, away from me.

When he was being carried out of the toilets, I saw him, and had the teachers not been there, I would have killed him.

But only twice!

So it's fine XD

Anyway, he didn't come back to school for a term and from then on he's been terrified of me.

The moral of this story is not to piss me off, otherwise I'll turn into a brutal as fuck ninja lion in the form of an innocent grade 2 and brutally mutilate your knees

See you in the principles office where my suspension was contemplated,

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