Awkward Moments

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Just a compilation of some of my millions of awkward moments.

1. When you yell at your eyes for being blind

2. When you think about really dirty things about your boyfriend in class and get a major nosebleed

3. When you watch horror movies and laugh the whole way through

4. When your friends squeals really loud in class because you poked her in the side

5. When people say your accent is cute

6. When you make your younger brother vomit on his suit because you made him laugh while he was drinking orange juice

7. When your art teacher tells you not to step on any crocodiles because you're in bare feet

Yes. That happened

8. When you realize your art teacher is constantly high

9. When people think your deaf with your glasses off

Bitch, just because I'm blind with my glasses off don't mean I'm deaf

10. When you burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter during a highly important conversation

11. When your in Science and  your reading aloud to the whole class, and you accidently say 'orgasms' instead of 'organisms'

12. When you practically have a mild seizure while standing up because you got a spider web on your face

13. When you freeze orange juice in the freezer, tip the cup up, above your face of course, and the whole thing explodes on your face

14. When you do your homework in what Nihongo you know and realize that it is supposed to be in English

15. When you have an OCD where the recycle bin on computers have to be empty

16. When you wear your skinny jeans, button up shirt and Converse to an event and half your friends think you look like a girl

Aw yeah, cos I totally grew boobs in the last 10 seconds... -_-'

17. When people think you are weak

18. When you're at a restaurant with your family, then the waiter comes over and your little 5 year old sister tells him to go away and leave us alone.

19.  When you forget how to spell 'cow'

20. When you had no idea what L looked like in Death Note until you saw the episode where the detectives meet him.

Even though you see him in the opening.

21. When people underestimate your anime knowledge

22. When you fanboy over Miku so much that you scream

23. When you realize you were taller than your mum at 10

24. When you go on Omegle and pretend to be a 60 year old woman

25. When your bisexual friend asks your to carry him bridal style

26. When you realize that until recently you only dated people younger than you.

27. When your little sister uproots half a plant, gives it to your Mum and says,
"Here, I picked you a flower!"

28. When your name is so generic that you grew up with 3 other Jacks.

29. When you realize your parents named you after the alcohol 'Jack Daniel's'

30. When people think you're good at Math but then you show them your report and test results

31. When people ship Sweden x Finland and say you are Sweden and your friend is Finland.

32. When people say you could pull off a Miku miniskirt

33. When you roll on the floor for fun, then your parents see you rolling around on the floor like a retard

34. When you consider buying a Hatsune Miku cosplay outfit just to see how people react

35. When you call the countries 'He's' and 'She's' because of Hetalia

36. People come up to you and tell you your hot even though you hate each other

37. When you're one of the tallest people at school

38. When you realize you have no songs in English on your phone

39. When your music plays randomly, loud as fuck during a test

40. When you ask a Prep who old they think you are and they reply, really innocently and say, "39?"

41. When you realize that you fall off your chair at least 5 times a week

42. When your Mum tells you to stop watching Chinese Cartoons

43. When you tell your Mum that once she says the right name for 'Chinese Cartoons' that I'll stop watching

44. That even if Mum  got it right I wouldn't stop watching. I mean, come on! It's anime, people!

45. When people love you more over the Internet than real life

46. When you know all the lyrics to all of the songs on your phone

47. When people compare you eating food to a Titan eating people

48. When you keep bae up until 12:30, his time and don't even realize

49. When you are mistaken for a girl on and offline at least twice a week

50. When you realize think is only 50 of your millions of awkward moments

Hopefully now you all realize (if you didn't already) how much of a spaz I am.

What are some of your awkward moments?

See you in awkward land,

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