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I'm sorry to have dumped all my shit on you guys... And I wanted to makes this chapter in appreciation

I was weak.

I needed support or I was going to, without a doubt, do something drastic...

And yet here I am. Alive and stronger than ever.

But I couldn't have done it without these amazing people

@CielP8 :
Thank you. So much. You helped me realise that I matter to some people, that my dreams of the future aren't stupid. You gave me things to look forward to and helped me immensely with your advice..I can't thank you enough, you are a great friend.

Dude. You're amazing. You gave me such amazing advice that I couldn't find fault, even if I wanted to. You've given me strategies to deal with shortcomings and other bad times alike. Thank you.

Imouto-Chan. That conversation on Skype... I meant every word. It was intense but I meant it. You help me through daily life just by staying there with me. You help me through so many things.. I'm so weak and pathetic compared to you. Keep being you, 'Kay?

We've had some pretty intense conversations. We seem to help eachother through the shit either one is going through. I understand you don't want to tell me some things, but that's OK. Just remember I'm always here to talk and help you.

To all those that don't have Wattpad. Thank you. You've given me strength. You've all helped make me stronger.

I love you all. :)

Well... there's that... so... yeah. :/

Don't worry, anyone. I'm now going anywhere. :) I promise.

Tag anyone who has ever helped you or is really close to you in the comments! ^^ You know you wanna do it!

I have a few ideas for a few future chapters, but I'd like some input on your guy's end. Is there anything you'd like me to rant about or cover? Or improve? Anything like that is appreciated greatly.

See you soon,

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