Chapter 1

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Myself and Gandalf had been travelling for sometime and we had finally arrived in the Shire. "It's beautiful here Gandalf" I awed "indeed it is my dear" he agreed. We were close to our destination, bag end. The home of one mr bilbo baggins. "Gandalf is it alright if I explore for a while and meet you again later?" I asked, this is the one place I hadn't visited in my time in middle earth and I was curious. "Yes, but don't be late!" He told me, "thank you and of course I won't"I exclaimed I jumped off of my pony, Ollie, and went to wander. 

 I walked through a small forested area, it was filled with hundreds upon hundreds of flowers. It was beautiful but not as those in Rivendell and Lothlorien, I headed towards the busy town, admiring the shires beauty. There were lots of hobbits hurrying round the market buying and selling a manner of things. I decided I would have a quick drink before meeting Gandalf.As I walked into the local tavern I was hit with the strong smell of ale and wine, I breathed in the scents around me and smiled. Some would go dizzy from the aroma, but I had grown accustomed to it. I strolled up to the bar "Hello what can I get you?" The landlord asked "I'll have glass of blackberry and elderflower wine please" I asked. He then went to the other end of the bar to get my order, I looked around the see a lot of people staring at me. "Here you go!" He announced, I paid him then bid him good day. I sat in the corner of the room away from everyone, drinking my wine silently. I finished and made my way to bag end.I finally found bag end because of the mark Gandalf had left on the door. I rang the bell and waited, I could hear roaring laughter coming from inside. A hobbit, whom I presumed was master baggins opened the door. "Natasha at your service" I said then bowed "Bilbo Baggins at yours" he replied, he stood aside allowing me to walk into the hall. "They're all through there" he informed me pointing towards a door way I smiled great fully and walked through."Ahh Natasha, you've finally arrived I see" Gandalf greeted me. I smiled "I'm sorry if I'm late Gandalf the time flew by quicker then I realised" he laughed. "Your not late everyone else was early, now let me introduce you to everyone". He turned to face the dwarves and slammed his fist on the table, the dwarves stopped throwing food at each other and turned to face him. "I would like to introduce you all to Natasha Alexander. Natasha meet Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Ori, Dori, Nori, Fili and Kili." He said almost breathlessly."Good evening!" I greeted, they all greeted me back. 

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