1 ~ Arriving at Rivendell

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I stood in front of Rivendell with my friends: the dwarfs, the hobbit Bilbo and the wizard Gandalf. We were greeted by an elf.

"Where is lord Elrond?" asked Gandalf. "He's inside but you can't see him now.  I'll tell him you are here. Follow me please. I'll lead you inside." the elf replied. We followed the elf into a beautiful and huge house. We went to a large room and we sat down.

Some elfs came in with food and wine. We were really hungry so we attacked the food. It was delicious, so we ate it all and then we drank the wine. When we finished the food the elf who brought us inside came in.

"Lord Elrond wants to speak to Gandalf and Thorin Oakenshield. Come with me. The others can stay here." Thorin and Gandalf left the room as we stared at their backs.


We followed the elf in a beautiful corridor. We were walking like maybe two minutes and then the elf turned around and looked at us.

"Please be very polite to Elrond. He's really sad and impatient at the moment. Especially you" he said looking at me. "What do you mean with that?" i said angrily. I wouldn't let an elf insult me! "That's what I mean." the elf replied.

"Why is elrond sad?" Gandalf asked without paying attention to our little argument. "His daughter Mirtaja died yesterday. It's a big loss for Elrond and his other daughter Brezaya." the elf spoke quietly.

I was shocked. Elronds daughters were known for their beauty and kindness. Even to dwarfs they were really nice. They wanted peace between elfs and dwarfs. I felt sorry for Elrond and Brezaya. Suddenly the door opened. Elrond stood there and looked at us with a surprised look on his face. "Elrond" Gandalf said looking at the tall elf in front of us.

"Gandalf" he said even more surprised. He looked really tired and he had black barks under his eyes. "Why do you look so surprised? You knew we were coming right?" Gandalf asked. "Yes and no. I knew people were coming but i didn't know you would be it. But where are the others?" he asked. So the elf left and came back with the others. They were all looking around a bit intimidated. We were brought to a huge room and we started talking.


I heard talking on the outside. I went to my window and looked at the weird thing that was going on. 13 dwarfs, 1 hobbit and 1 wizard were standing under my window a few feet away. I saw them going inside and I was wondering what was going on.

I sat on my bed en thought about my little sister. I missed her so much. She was almost like my best friend and we were always doing things together. Tears started to drip off my eyes again. No. Not again. Stay strong. For her.

I went to my fathers room to ask what was going on. When I went in, 16 pairs of eyes locked at me. Awkwardly I looked at my father. He smiled weakly at me. "Sit down brezaya. I wanted you to come already." he said.

I nodded and took a seat next to a young dwarf. He was the youngest I guess and.. I can't deny he was really handsome. He looked at me with his beautiful eyes and smiled a bit at me. As I smiled back I felt a strange feeling in my stomach. Like butterflies. What? He is a dwarf right? And i barely know him. Strange.


As soon as we went in we started talking. I couldn't concentrate so I didn't really know what they were saying. I guess about staying here for a while and our journey, although I'm not sure if Thorin wants to talk about that.

Suddenly the door opened and I saw the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Correction, elf. The first thing I noticed were her eyes. Blue as the sky on a beautiful summer day, surrounded with long, dark, curly lashes. But they were a bit red like she just cried. Then I saw the rest of her. Her hair was very blond and long and you could see her pointy ears trough them. She was tall and slim.

I released my breath slowly, I didn't realise I was holding it in. "Sit down Brezaya. I wanted you to come already" Elrond said to her. She nodded and went to sit down next to me. I looked at her beautiful eyes. She looked sad. I wondered why. Then she looked back.

I smiled a bit and she did the same. I got a strange feeling in my stomach. Almost like butterflies. But i barely know her... Stupid.


Thank you so much for reading this. I have no idea if it's good or not. As i already told you, this is my first story. So please say what you think about it!

xx love

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