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THUMP-thump-THUMP -thump

Her heart raced as she flew through the trees. She may be strong, but even she couldn't sprint flat out for miles on end. Her body was giving up on her. She could feel it in the way her muscles cried out every time she made contact with the earth, the way the frozen pine air burned through her lungs as she gasped in every breath she could, and the way her eyes kept darting all over the forest floor, desperately seeking help.
A loud growl behind her pulled the last bit of adrenaline to the surface and she surged forward. If I'm caught I'm dead. This can't be how it ends.
Her eyes were getting blurry, whether from snow, sweat, or exhaustion she wasn't sure, but what she was sure about was that she needed help and all she could see around her were these damn trees.
I can't believe he left me here. He promised he'd keep me safe. He PROMISED! Why isn't he here? Who's going to save me now?!
Her next thought was nothing but a scream of agony as she tumbled down a hill, limbs sprawling every which way, before finally slamming to a stop against another tree. As she lay there, feeling the cold seep through her bones and numbing away the pain with a harsh nothingness, she was ready to let go.
No one's coming for me. No family. No friends. No love. I'm alone. I'm going to die alone.
With a gut wrenching sob she closed her eyes and listened for her attackers imminent presence. She reached up to shove aside the tears and found them nearly frozen on her cheek. She rolled from her side to look up at the moon, if she was doomed to die then at least she wanted one moment of peace first. She began to memorize the crevices and swells on its surface as she slowed her breathing, appreciating one last moment of silence.
It was in that silence she heard a voice echoing from within, getting louder and stronger the more she focused.
No one is going to save you. You are alone out here. You have no family, no friends, no love. You are alone... So save yourself. FIGHT!
The voice echoed in her head, filling her with a determination she had never before experienced. She got up onto her hands and knees breathing shakily, the voice still echoing in her head.
Just then a crash echoed to her side and as she looked into the frightening yellow orbs of her attacker the voice within shouted, FIGHT. She turned towards him, knowing she had to choose to give up or fight for herself and be strong.
"I. Will. Not. Give. Up." She panted, before a white hot pain shot through her and she lost control.

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