Chapter Four

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Last Chapter for today. I really don't know when I will update. Since I have the book already typed out updates won't be far apart. Hopefully :)


Faith's P.O.V.

It has been a week and planning is not going well at all. Alex's beatings/teachings are getting harder; Alexis is sick; and worst of all I've been moved into Alex's room. Lucky for us Alexis has been moved to Victoria's room. But this doesn't make it any easier, so now the escaping together is going nowhere. At least today we will all have dinner together.

Tonight I will be showed off for the top of my class grades and fighting. No one in the class of wizards can take me down. The other top people of the classes between werewolves and assassins are able to beat me or get close to it. The top three of every class will meet three times a week and have a duel. I usually always sore when I arrive to my room, but I can't show it. Every night Alex takes me to his room to torture to me if I cry he keeps torturing me, but that only happen twice and will not happen again. I will not cry in front of him

I put my hair up in a side bun and threw on my dress Alex had set to the side for me. Walking in I felt most eyes on me. Slowly I made my way to sit by Blake; we have become so much closer throughout the time we have been captured. I sat down by him and struck up a conversation.

"They are starting to trust me. I am now training with their werewolves." Alex had not trusted Blake at first because he was kidnapped, but soon Blake acted like he wanted to be apart of this. I had zoned out think about how many people Alex had taken and persuaded into joining him. Blake brought me out of my thoughts; "Ashley is getting worse especially without you near. I can't help and she won't let Victoria around her either."

This makes my heart ache. I can take beatings, training, fighting, and anything, but Ashley she's my weakness. I have felt protective over her as if she was my own daughter. I have to get us out of here.

I whispered in his ear, "We are leaving in 3 days, Sunday." He nodded, telling me he understood.

A young girl's voice calls my name. "Faith?" she whispered, I turned only to meet the almost dead eyes of the six year old. I opened my arms and she came running into them. "I thought you left me, I never see you anymore. I can't bear to lose you too." I just patted her back while she cried.

Soon her cries became wheezing then coughing. I held a napkin to her mouth when she was done I could see a dark metallic color seeping through the napkin. I looked at her face and wiped off the blood on the side of her mouth. I brushed her messy red hair and look at her freckles were that darker then the sickly pale skin. Her green eyes did not hold the brightness they used to. They only held sorrow, pain, and the last one made me shiver: no hope.

"Why are you crying Faith?" I look at the Ashley, "I miss my family."

My tears now flowed down my face in streams. I am barely eighteen and already lost my brothers and parents. Ashley pushed back the blonde hair out of my face and says, "Your pretty and strong don't let them see you broken and crying."

I nodded. The wisdom of this young girl amazed me. "Now why don't we eat?" She nodded and started scraping down food.

"Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen-" I scoffed there were no gentleman here "-the meeting will be held soon please stay present expect for maids and children. Have a good dinner."

When the meeting start Ashley left with Victoria. We were talking about the next heads of us. "Michelangelo you're beta, Jack you're third-in-command, Keegan and Grant are the fighting instructors, and Faith are the witches/warlocks commanders. You are dismissed." Blake hugged me to wish me good luck, but we were interrupted.

"Are you two done?" I turned around from Blake and saw Alex. He grabbed my arm and dragged me away. I looked at Blake and nodded, we had planned to meet in Victoria's room later tonight.

I turned around and went upstairs. He threw me on the bed and got the supplies out, but this time he didn't pick one up instead he went straight for me. My eyes widen 'no, he wouldn't please no.'

"Ah, The one part we have yet to train for." He started to undue his belt.

"Please, no." I have never had sex and don't plan on it now.

He looked at me and before I could say anything he flicked his hand and I was thrown up against a wall. He brought out the silver whip.

"I will do what I want and no one will stop me!" He yelled at me. I held back the tears as the whip went against my bare back. He turned me around and slammed me on the bed not caring for my back or the blood. He started to head over towards the bed. All I did was turn my head and out of nowhere silver knife started to penetrate my arm. Silver causes so much pain to me cause of the fact I am still part werewolf. I screamed out loud when he dug to deep. That earned me a slap across the face. His ring that I was lucky enough for it not to be silver cut me across the cheek, causing me to whimper. No, I did not cry but I screamed and whimpered. I put a robe on and made my way to Victoria's room. I was 30 minutes late. I slung the door open and collapsed on the floor. My body was suddenly feeling a lot weaker than usual.

Blake rushed to my side and tried to pick me up. I started to scream because of the pain, but only a hushed groans came out.

Ashley jumped from the bed and came to my side: tears filling her eyes. "Your going to be okay, just rest," I heard Victoria's voice echo. I look at Ashley before letting the sleep take me away.

I was awake but I couldn't move let alone open my eyes or talk. But I heard voices through my dreary state. I heard strained coughing beside me. Ashley, it took every ounce of strength to pull myself out of the sleep. The dream Blake and I were chasing some strange dude whose face was blurred. Shrugging it off quickly I turned look at Ashley. "She must get some actual help," Victoria said.

I went to get up but Blake stopped me, "NO, sit and do not move." I did as he said. He brought a table to me, "Okay there is only so many ways to get out. You have the tunnels, which have cameras and a gate at the end. We can go through the kitchen out the window and through the woods, or we can go through the sewage and into the woods." I chose the sewage. We all pack our stuff and headed out.

You Can't Run From Your DestinyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang