Chapter Three

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I will post three short chapters today, this is the second. :) every time I have a short chapter I will post multiple ones with it.


Ashton's P.O.V

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ash Happy birthday to you, we love you!!"

I am awoken from my rest with my whole family in my room. A smile crosses my face when I see the big 18 on the pancakes. I give my parents hug eat some cake and get dress. Today is Saturday so I plan on going to the log cabins with my friends and start working on it again. I am walking out the door when I see my friends in the living room.

"Hey you guys!" They both greeted me back.

"So what are y'all doing?"

Aaron and Tristan very hastily responded, "Nothing."

"Well I'm going to the cabin talk to you guys later." Walking into the big 2-story house, not adding the attic, I am completely amazed at how my friends and I had accomplished this.

Once you enter the rather grand front door there are stairs on both sides with railing going up; there is a little space from the wall and the second story at the front; and the back of the house is like a balcony. A nice size window in the front and a large window in the back facing the backyard, but other than that upstairs are rooms and offices, in between the doors to the rooms is a big resting center. Once you pass the stairs you have the dining room to your far right and the kitchen to the back right of the house. There are not walls for the kitchen but the bars and bar stools and the change form wood floor to tile. The kitchen has window facing the backyard and cabinets and counters and room for 5 people across, counter to counter. The back of the left side is a window seat that also has large window that goes out far enough for a rather large couch like seat. In the middle of the wooden floor on the left is the living room. In the exact middle against the left wall is a fireplace with a flat screen T.V. with a long couch, coffee tables, a love seat and one recliner it looks quite comfy. I plan on putting a rug of my mate's choice down. There are two doors on the wall, which the one closer to the front goes to the garage, and the other goes the game room. Press against the wall made by the left stairs is an empty shelf that I have yet to figure out what to put on there. Everything is perfect now I just need to work on the backyard deck. I order a Jacuzzi to put in my deck that has just arrived. I finish the right side of the deck, and put the Jacuzzi against the wall under the window and attach my deck to it. The deck was as wide as the house. The railings of the deck at some points are seats and other just railings. Straight ahead of the door is stairs, which lead to the big backyard and pond in the back. On the side, a little ways from the steps, are the grill and then on the left the fryer. On the left of the deck is a swing; everything is perfect why I just hope my mate will love it.

I am brought out of my thoughts with an arm thrown around my shoulder. "Looks like your all done man... it is looking nice." Tristan says to me not taking his eyes off the scenery.

"Of course you get the middle spot with the best view. I mean hello your house is also the biggest can you not leave the nicest house to one of us." I chuckle, turning around I pat his shoulder, "Nope. But if anyone had the nicest house it would be Aaron; especially how his whole second floor is visible from the first and his chandelier." I let out a low whistle, "Come on I need to go get a shower." I start to head out but am stopped by Tristan.

"About that the water pipe busted at the pack house, but why don't you just take one here? I'll bring your suit with some nice clothes and we can go out to eat later," Tristan said to me.

"Sure but it might be a long shower," I sniffed myself, "I stink."

"Ha-ha, okay man," he then ran out of the house.

I started up stairs to go to the master bathroom and take a shower. It took me 15 minutes to shower, at least I smell good. Once I was dressed I headed to the pack house. When I was walking through the back door; everyone jumped out and yelled "Surprise!" I had been look down at my shirt when walking in. Of course I had not expected everyone here. Usually it's just my friends and I. I put a big smile on my face and shouted out thanks and let's get this party started.

I was having a blast some of the younger Alpha's that came and including another one of my best friends Drake. I did our little handshake and started a conversation. It had been awhile before I realized his beta wasn't here. He had just turned 18 three months ago and I hadn't seen him yet.

"Where's Blake at?" I asked him. Happiness slowly vanished from all his features. Sensing something had happened I grabbed his arm and pulled him upstairs to my room. "What happened?" Drake sat his drink down and sat on the bed.

"2 weeks, 3 days, and 18 hours ago; we were patrolling the area just goofing off. And I left him. Goofing off I decided to run off, after a while I tried to mind-link him but got nothing. I ran back to the last place I saw him. I few yards from where I left him there looked like there was a struggle. I could only an old scent his and about five other rogues. I followed it all the way for 4 miles till there was no more scent."

Drake had started to let a few tears slip. I couldn't blame him; he and Blake were like brothers. I was getting angry that I hadn't been told, but knowing this was not the time to be angry I calmed down.

"Okay look he has to be fine okay don't worry he's probably just fine. Come on let's get back to the party." I put my hand on his shoulder. We head back to the party. I talked to some of my other friends but never leaving Drakes side. The party ended about 10 and I told Drake he could stay. Nothing about Drake was the same. I want him to get better before I just let him out of my sights.

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