"What are you reading?" Gerard enquires, leaning up against the counter.

"Oh!" Frank utters in surprise as he startles, glancing up and blushing once he catches Gerard's gaze.  He mutely closes the book, thumb sandwiched between its pages; keeping his place; and brandishes its cover to Gerard with an embarrassed smile donning his lips.

"Harry Potter? Really?" Gerard laughs, "What are you, eleven?"

"It's a good book, okay," Frank mumbles sheepishly, dipping his head beneath his fringe and blushing again, his face glowing with the pink in his cheeks. "Anyway... you buying today, Mr Way?"

"Yeah, whatever, Iero." Gerard smirks, turns to weave his way into the maze of shelves, and out of the corner of his eye, he speculates as Frank hops over the counter to follow.

"What's it going to be then, hm?"

"I was thinking some good old Maiden would be the way to go today."

"Ah yes, quite understandable." Frank pushes his way past Gerard with an indescribable air of confidence – a stark contrast against his previously almost-shy persona – walking fast enough to precede Gerard's arrival at the heavy metal section. He ghosts his thumb over the shelf, as if he's searching for something. Gerard knows he must be faking it; after all, he's pretty damn sure that it's nigh on impossible for Frank to have worked at Iero's for the time he has and not be able to remember where every single record lies. When his thumb has discovered the box labelled 'Iron Maiden', almost of its own accord, Frank sighs in contentment and holds a hand to his heart. "Legends," he says, "but nowhere near the same status as Misfits. Misfits always wins."

"I suppose, maybe, not really," Gerard replies, poking at Frank for fun. He very well knows of Frank's obsession with the native punk band, and he's certain that Frank very well knows he's being teased. Nevertheless, Frank growls and slams Gerard into the wall behind them, pinning Gerard there with a tattooed forearm at his neck. Gerard, as he hits the brickwork hard, thanks God internally that it was indeed a wall instead of what could have been a shelf – although, this does not in any way soften the pain of his fall. "Ow," he groans, narrowing his eyes into mere slits and shoving Frank away, "don't do that you shithead. Remember that time I took you on an expensive-as-fuck dinner date, you know, last Friday night? Some gratitude I get for my selflessness."

Frank stands back, puffs his chest out for moment, and visibly deflates with all the breath in his body. He steps forward again, nuzzling his face into Gerard's neck as he inhales, and breathes out an apology. He lets his tongue slide against the skin as he plants light kisses there, and bites down suddenly, making Gerard shiver.

"Remember that time I let you fuck my ass, you know, last Friday night?" Frank whispers huskily, hushed as though the prospect of more than one customer in the store is actually probable, "Some gratitude-"

"That never happened because you topped, dumbass," Gerard cuts in. "Now, about my vinyl..."

"No," says Frank simply. He manoeuvres his body between Gerard's legs, and presses himself flat against Gerard's chest. "I only get you once a week." In between pecks on each of Gerard's cheeks, Frank punctuates the words: 'you're', 'so', and 'beautiful'. He pauses to look intensely into Gerard's eyes, and begins to giggle – suspecting that his actions are far too cheesy for reality.

"Frankie," Gerard whines, dragging out the last syllable of the nickname. He leans down to catch the shorter man's lips in a breathy, open-mouthed kiss, although it's not dirty in the slightest; it's sweet, if anything. "My vinyl. Please." Somewhere in the background, though unbeknownst to each lover, the bell above the door chimes; again unenthusiastically, and almost tiredly – as if Gerard's earlier entry had exhausted it.

"Okay, okay. But you're coming back to mine tonight."

They share a knowing smile, and Frank steps back, allowing Gerard to shuffle forward and inspect the box. He bends over to pick the box off the second bottommost shelf, and Frank places his hands on Gerard's waist – slinking his hands up his boyfriend's shirt. Gerard makes an objecting noise in the back of his throat, but it's stuck halfway between pleasure and annoyance as it escapes his mouth. Frank chuckles, moving his hands back toward Gerard's ass.

"What the fuck?" a voice exclaims from the opening end of the aisle, causing both men to become rigid with shock, and they separate immediately. Gerard glances up and his face pales considerably, sending Frank into a silent panic.

"M-Mikey?" Gerard stutters, his voice sounding dry as if the sheer presence of his younger brother is a burning sun, evaporating all calmness from his body and all moisture from his throat. He gulps.

Gerard had known that Mikey was bound to find out sometime. He did not, however, expect this 'sometime' to come today. Frank's face relaxes, and he stands closer to Gerard, throwing him a look that simply screams, that's your brother, then? He turns back to Mikey and extends a hand, almost resembling the business man that he should have and would have become, had he not opted to continue the family legacy.

"Hello, I'm Frank, manager and current owner of Iero's Vinyls, where customer service is our priority. But, uh... This sort of, well, practice is just reserved for the cute ones, sorry." He shrugs nonchalantly and nods his head to the side, as though he were requesting understanding and validation from a customer. "I'm not saying your face isn't aesthetically appealing to eye or anything, but I've kind of got a boyfriend right now and he's a keeper. Easily lovable, perfect in every way, really good in bed too. His name's Gerard, you know him?"

Gerard believes for a whole minute that he's actually going to die, before Mikey grins widely and punches Frank in the arm. He pauses, most likely thinking over his next words.

"So you two are like... boyfriends?"

Gerard and Frank nod simultaneously; Gerard in a meek manner, as a juxtaposition to Frank's confidence.

"Just use protection, guys," Mikey says with a laugh.

Frank just smirks. He kisses Gerard on the cheek and takes his sweating hand proudly.

"I'll try not to impregnate your brother, don't worry."


See, the funny thing is, this started off as a serious one-shot but I had been working on it for like 3 days and it just got really late and I was writing it while Skyping my friends and it just turned out to be a shambles I s'pose but oh well it's cute and also I'm so sorry for not updating for so long my lovelies!! This book is so disorganised omfg


my friend: so what have u been doing all day olivia?

me: crying over mcr

my friend: oh n- not again- olivia!!!!!!!!!!

me: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah yes i know


Always remember,

farnk iero


4k woooo

Random Frerard Fluff [ONE SHOTS] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now