Chapter 11

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Sofia's POV

Our bodies smacked together, our jaws trying to bite anything close enough. Our howls of pain rang out. Both of us trying to kill the other, but knowing it was not going to be easy.

I tasted his blood on my tongue as we yanked apart. Liam snarled at me.

"Your heat, young wolf, smells amazing. I can't wait." Screeching in anger, I leapt forward. My teeth tored through his shoulder.

"You are going to die!" My words were echoed with my own scream as he gripped my tail in his mouth. Whipping around, I attacked at his face. One of my teeth tore out one of his eyes. Liam shoved back, and clasped, yelling in pain. I padded forward, then almost dropped to my knees. Pain took my whole body, and almost instantly, we had switched positions.

I was now colasped on the ground while he stood over me. Liam drew in deep breaths, than looked around.

"Hmm, the heat had taken you over, and no one is looking. Perfect timing."



Stefan's POV

Something was wrong, I could feel it as I fought. Then I spun around and saw. Liam stood over my mate. His pose was as if... Fuck no!

'He's gonna take her! Kill him!' my inner wolf raged. I dashed forward, shoving anyone out of my way. I slammed into the other Alpha just before he would defile my mate. We slid for a coulpe feet, then recovered. My teeth grabbed and ripped off one of his ears.

"I am going to kill you!"


Raven's POV

I padded around, staring at all the bodies on the street. My pack had barley won. Liam was still alive, but only because Stefan's teeth were keeping his alive. I headed to him, and gazed down.

"Liam," his eyes focused on me, "give me the power of being your pack Alpha, or I will kill you and claim it," I said. He weakly shook his head. I nodded and Stefan stepped back. When Liam said nothing more, I ended his life. The rest of his pack had gathered around me. No females, I noted, but plenty of young and old males.

"I am now your Alpha!" They bowed their heads. "Now, who is Beta?" A medium sized wolf stepped forward, his body was covered in missing patches of fur. "Where are all your females?" I demanded. He sighed.

"Liam left them to starve about three weeks ago. Our females never learned how to take care of themselves, only to breed," he answered. "So, they are dead." The females of my pack simultaneously snarled. I flicked my tail and they went silent.

"Tell me, do you share the same beliefs your Alpha did? Do you think females are worthless for anything other than breeding?" He shook his head.

"I grew up with females around me. I know they can do just about anything." I looked at him, then my pack. Damien and Stefan quickly ran up to me.

"I say let them return to their land, but have this so called Beta report to you," Stefan said.

"I agree," Damien said. I took a deep breath, and nodded.



"Duncan, you are going to stay Beta, but every other week you must report back to me, understand? Or you will be removed." He bowed his head low, then turned and almost ran away. That pack quickly followed. I even noticed they even dragged their dead away. Turning back to my true pack, I saw that we had only a few dead.

"We did very well," Damien said. I nodded.

"Now it's time to clean up." I looked over at Stefan, and almost did a double take. He was knelt next to Sofia, who was in her wolf form. He lifted her into his human arms, and she shrank away, leaving her human.

"I need to-"

"Go for it, Stefan," I murmured, nodding, "I can smell it. "But hurry back."


Sofia's POV

Stupid heat, I thought, smacking the wall. Stefan lifted his head from the bed.

"You okay?"

"I almost got raped by another pack's Alpha, I am not okay," I said, sitting angerly on the edge of the bed. "Because of being female, and having the heat, I was not able to completely defend my self, not my pack." He rubbed a conforting hand across my back.

"No one holds that against you," he murmured softly. I leveled him a look.

"Would you still think that if the Alpha had raped me? If I now carried his pup?" Anger filled Stefan's eyes, and I nodded. "Exactly." With a growl, Stefan suddenly had me pinned to the bed. Our under garments were the only barriers we wore.

"It seems that baring my mark isn't enough," he said, his voice husky yet soft. "What else can I do?"

"I don't know, Stefan, but-" His lips kissed mine, silencing me.

"I have an idea. Care to hear?" He kissed me again.

"Sure," I answered, breathless. Stefan pulled back and looked me straight in my eyes.

"Let me get rid of your heat. Let me completely finish the mated process." My eyes grew wide as I realized exactly what he meant.

"You... you want me to bare you a pup?" He nodded.

"Yes." Was I ready for that? I mean, could I handle bringing a life into this life? My life hadn't been a very good one... what if the child became an outcast? What if-

He kissed me again, catching my attention.

"Don't over think it," he said. I chuckled. Taking in a deep breath, I opened my mouth to answer him.



sorry for the cliff hanger, and sorry i took so long uploading, i've just been very, very busy. but the next chapter should be up in the next few days. promise

again, please comment and tell me what you think! Be honest!!!


I am his mate, not yours! *book one*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora