Chapter five

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Raven's POV

As I walked out of class, an arm shot out, grabbing mine. He pulled me to an empty part of the school.

"What do you want?" I demanded. Stefan took a deep breath.

"You're the she wolf with two mates."

"What makes you think that?" I asked slowly.

"I saw you stiffen when the teacher mentioned the she wolf's color... and you're my... mate." I had

whispered the last part.

"Are you joking?" She had no idea how much I wished I was... my inner wolf suddenly took over, running a finger down her arm. She shivered, then recoiled from me.


"Maybe we should speak to an Elder."


Raven's POV

Damien wasn't happy was we walked beside Stefan. The Eldest wolf alive lived with our pack, and we were headed to see her. I walked between both of them. I knew Damien was my mate, but when Stefan touched me, my inner wolf wanted me to lean into his touch. 'Two mates...' she whispered.

'Shut up!' I yelled back. Stefan knocked on the door, and a woman opened the the door. She looked like a well fit woman in her 60s, when yet she really was over a hundred.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"I hear you're a Seeing wolf," Stefan said. She nodded, and motioned for us to enter.

"So, what are you youngsters here for?"

"A myth," Stefan answered. "The one about the she wolf with two mates." The Elders eyes latched onto me, then Stefan.

"Explain." As Stefan began to explain, I sank into the couch near by. Damien didn't know yet, but now he was going to know. Once Stefan was done speaking, someone stepped infront of me. I looked up to meet the Elder's eyes. Mine were misted up. Damien was my mate, not Stefan!

'Both are,' my inner wolf said, 'you FELT how Stefan's touch effect us!'

'Doesn't mean ANYthing!' I hissed back.

"Come with me." She took my hand and lead me into what seemed like her garage. "Do you think you are the she wolf he speaks of?"

"I hope not. Stefan had made my life hell... Damien is my mate." My voice held how unsure I suddenly was.

"Young one, I need to see your wolf. I have had visions of the she wolf spoken of in what is now called myths," she said. I nodded and she turned around. Stripping down, I let my wolf out. She turned back around. Her eyes grew wide, and she sucked in a breath. "It's time to call the Alpha."


Stefan's father listened to everything the Elder had to say. He had always listened to what Elders said to him, following their advice, and believing everything they say.

"You have got to be kidding me," he muttered, shaking his  head. "That low life can NOT be my son's mate." Growled echoed from both Stefan and Damien. The Elder shook her head.

"Please do not speak about her like that. She's been tortured her whole life." I cocked an eye brow. How could she know that? "One of the reasons the she wolf is going to be the best leader is because she knows the pain others can cause. The she wolf will rule fairly, and protects anyone with her life; but isn't afraid of a fight."

I looked down at my hands. I was protective over people I cared for, and my inner wolf had no issue with fighting, though I tried not to. The Alpha lowered his head.

"I am sorry, Elder; it's just her parents were traitors." I flinched, than growled. My inner wolf's anger flared inside me, causing me to be angry.

"Listen here," I snarled, standing and pointing a finger at him, "I have delt with the insults, I have lived beside Beta who killed my mother! I'm sick of everyone narking on me, calling me names, and treating me like I'm nothing! I am a person, I am a she wolf, and I am getting extreamly pissed!" My voice echoed back off the wall at me, and I saw everyone (even Alpha) flinched.

The Elder recovered right away by grinning.

"You are perfect. A perfect leader." She looked at Alpha. "Her voice even effected you. You cannot deny that." He lowered his head.

"I don't know what to tell you, Elder. I do not want to have to give my position to someone who I don't even know if she can lead."

"It'll come automatic to her." Alpha looked at me. I snarled under my breath, and he suddenly smiled.

"Alright, fine. I'll make a deal with you. Tonight I will call a pack meeting, and if you can beat me, Raven," first time he said my name to my face, "than you shall be Alpha."

Oh, shit.

I am his mate, not yours! *book one*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz