Chapter Nine

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Raven's POV

All the females stared at me. I was so pissed, angered head was rolling off of me. Even Damien kept his distance.

"How dare he!" I snarled. Stefan than returned to the field with the rest of my pack. Sofia took a calming sigh. I looked at her, and she imediatly looked to her paws. I frowned. Where as all the other females had returned to human, she had not. "Listen up!" I yelled, letting my Alpha power embody my voice.

"Liam had desided to threaten us, but I am not frightened. Know why?" I demanded. Stefan smirked.

"Because we have a completely kick ass pack. Everyone but those who cannot shift, or to old to fight, are will to fight along one another," he said. "I am  not scared either. Personally, I think it is HE who should be scared!" I grinned. He was the perfect choice for Inforcer. He knew exactly how to back me up. Stefan looked down at Sofia. "I think he should be scared of you,"

"I agree," I laughed. "You bested his fighter, and sneered in his face." I returned my attention back to the rest of my pack. "I hope all of you females now realize you have power. Men will no longer control your lives. Fight for what you want!" Howls rang out as all the females came to an agreement with me.

I grinned. We had two months of hard trianing ahead of us.


Sofia's POV

Even hours after Raven's praise, I felt happiness from it. It wasn't very often that the Alpha gave the odd one praises.

"Sofia!" Stefan jogged up to me. He shivered as the cool night air over took him.

"If you were to shift, you would be warmer," I reminded him, "like I am." He chuckled and soon his stoney grew wolf stood beside me. "Stefan?"


"What did you mean earlier? When Liam made that comment about me possibly not being female... why did you make that comment about smelling me?" He sighed at my question.

"Because you have a certain scent to me. I noticed it the moment I began to teach you. It... it draws me in. I don't want it to sound weird, but-" I nudged him with my shoulders.

"Relax. Come on, I'll race you to the out skirts of town."


Days gave away to weeks as we females learned, and soon over a month had past. Raven had been in and out of our territory. It seemed she was out and about asking for extra protection from near by friendly packs. One one agreed to help us, but his form of help was just a safe place to retreat to if we lost.

Stefan had still yet to admit his feelings towards me, but I kept seeing more and more of his softer side. As the sun sank, we kept running circuts around the foot ball field. It was what we had begun to do for the past week. And in our human forms, no less.

"Three more days," I murmured as we stopped for water.

"Yeah." He sighed. "Guess that means I have a shorter amount of time than I thought."

"For what?" I asked, frowning. Stefan looked at me, then advance. I took four steps back, only to run into the storage shed. He came closer, placing his hands on the wall behind me, pinning me there. I swallowed as he leaned down. His lips grazed my neck and began to trail up. My body warmed instantly.

He pulled back and gazed at me, a war raging in his eyes.

"You deserve to be happy," I whispered. "Raven has Damien, and you should not be alone." I reached up, gripped his wrists, and placed them on my hips. His fingers gripped my hip bones. I slowly wrapped my arms around his shoulder, pulling my self closer to him. His lips came crushing down on mine.

A growl rumble from his chest filled with need. I pulled back and giggled.

"Wow, I just growled at you," he muttered. I smiled.

"I've growled before," I admitted. He frowned, cocking his head. "I'm not a virgin. Lost it on my 17th, which was a year ago." He chuckled.

"Silly me not to notice." I grinned even wider. "Well, um-" I cut him off by pressing my body harder into his. He leaned down, kissing me softly. "Come on." He held his hand out to me. I let him take it. Ten mintues later we arrived at his house.

Inside were his parents. They opened their mouths to speak... until they saw me.

"Mom, Dad, this is Sofia. Now excuse us." From their expression, I knew they knew what we had planned. The moment the door was closed, we were kissing again. I tugged as his clothing a need swam through me, too. It had been about a year since I had last been sated, and I knew that it had been awhile for him, too.

Our clothes, which were already rags, didn't survive. We tore them apart. He picked me up, and I landed on the bed. I giggled as he crawled up on to me. Leaning down, he did not kiss me this time. Instead he ran his tongue along my collar bone. A shover ran down my spine.

"Stefan," I whispered as my back arched. He had begun to use his hands to torment me in ways I never had been before. "Please." He leaned over me, fumbled around in his dresser, then grinned down at me. In his hands he held a condom. I smacked my inner wolf, for she had been overly quiet, and almost let me forget.

After applying the condom, he kissed me as he pushing into me. My back arched again at the pleassue of him filling me. As the speed increased, this was no longer human sex. It became almost animalistic, like that of two werewolves coupling. A pressure built up inside me until I felt as if I was going to burst.

His body tensed, and I knew we were both close to finishing.

'Let him do it,' my inner wolf whispered as Stefan leaned down. I gasped as his teeth broke the skin on the crook where my neck and shoulder connected. The moment he did that, we both tumbled over the edge, reaching our climaxes.


Neither of us atempted to move after relaxing onto his bed. I could tell an hour had passed, and something had occured to me.

"You marked me," I murmured. When he didn't say anything, I eased my self up and rested my chin on his chest. His eyes were on mine.

"Does it bother you? I don't know what happened," he said quickly before I could even think about asnwering him. "My inner wolf kept telling me to claim you, and it was like all of the sudden I could not control myself."

"Shh," I said, relaxing again, "it doens't bother me. Means I'm no longer alone." His arms wrapped around me and he kissed the top of my head.

"You will never be alone again. I marked you as mine, as you shall be." He grinned. "As far as I am concerned, you are my mate."



soooooooooooooooo, what did you think about that last part? ^.^ please let me know if you like it! I really could use some more feed back to know that what i am doing is the right thing.

please comment, and vote!


I am his mate, not yours! *book one*Where stories live. Discover now