Chapter Two

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Raven's POV

Damien stood between me and the Alpha. I shrank back. This is what would define our relationship. If the Alpha wished it so, all he had to do was order me to keep from Damien and I wouldn't be able to resist. A laugh caused me to flinch.

"Alright, boy, I'll let you have this little plaything. Guess everyone needs some fun." My face went red as I realized what the Alpha thought I was to Damien. Stefan gagged.

"Please, he could find something better than that. Stacy could happy any man happy." Something in me snapped, and I shoved around Damien.

"Yeah, of course you know that! Wonder how many STD's she's given you. I mean, hope you wear protection, skanks carry almost anything!" His face twisted with anger.

"For your information, she loved it." A harsh laugh left me.

"I bet she faked." He slapped me. My head whipped around and collided with the floor. Everything around me faded, but I managed to make out a growl, snap, and whimpering. Arms wrapped around me, and lifted me.


Damien's POV

I held her frame in my body as I stood from the floor. Stefan held his nose as he looked up at me from the ground. I snarled at him. My punch had broken his nose.

"Touch her again, and you will have more to worry about than your nose." Stefan looked up at his father. I gazed at the Alpha, waiting.

"Like I said, you can have her. Than little weakling means nothing." Motioning to his son, they left. Raven's eyes were wide open and now clear as she took in what just happened. I turned to my parents. Mom was holding back tears, and Dad ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm so proud!" Mom burst. My father laughed, then sighed, looking at Raven.

"Take her upstairs and clean her up. Tomorrow we're going to keep the both of you home. I need to speak with you, son; and her head will need to be fully healed." I nodded and walked to my room. Kicking the door closed, I gently laid her down on the bed. She was tensed up as she staired at me.

"How's your head?" I asked softly, touching the bump on her forehead. Her hand shot up and gripped my palm. Her eyes burned into mine. I cupped her face in my free hand.

"You... defended me," Raven whispered. I nodded. "Why?"

"I think you're my mate," I blurted. Her eyes widened.

"What makes you think that?" I brushed my lips against hers. She came alive instantly, kissing me back. Pulling back, I grinning.

"That's why." Her face lit up. "How long till your birthday?" Raven had always kept her birthday a secret from us. Just a month ago did she mention being almost seventeen. I was eager to know weather or not she was my mate; but I deep down I believed she was.

"In a couple of days." She tentivly leaned forward, pressing her fore head against mine. "I hope to the Moon Goddess you're my mate. I don't wish for anyone else." That had been the first time she ever admitted her feelings towards me. Yes, I could read them in the signals she gave me; but it was still nice to hear.

Not being able to hold back any longer, I kissed her, pulling her onto my lap. Her arms took my shoulders and she gave no fight as she relaxed against me. My excited grew, and she paused, an amused grin flashing across her face. I tried to keep my face from flushing. Raven leaned down, licking my bottem lip.

A growl rang from my chest. My wolf wanted her, and now. Running her hands down my chest, she paused at my belly botton. Only thin material seperated us: my shorts and her bikini. A whinned broke her lips, and she turned red. I cocked an eye brow.

"My inner wolf," she whispered. I chuckled.

"She knows what she wants," I said. She nodded.

"Same thing as what yours does." I blinked. She placed her lips near my ear. "Mark me, Damien. Prove to me I'm not just your plaything, as Alpha calls me." In a quick movement, I had us flipped over, which left me hovering over her. My wolf was please with her demand. This time I leaned down, and gently licked the apex of her neck and shoulder where they connected.

She bit her lip. 'Good sign', my inner wolf whispered. I grazed my teeth of the same place, and she moaned softly. 'Even better. Mark her!' he screamed. I shook my head, pushing my inner wolf away. This time I bit a little bit harder, and her back gave a fraction of an arch. Taking that as an insentive, I bit down completly.

Her back arched and a something between a moan and groan sounded through her chest; followed by what sounded close to a growl. Pleasure filled as. I had marked her as mine, no one elses. I pulled back, but not before licking my mark. Her lips found mine, kissing them softly. I rolled us over again, letting her rest on my chest.

Suddenly she flew up, her eyes wide. I frowned.


"The heat."



sorry for the cliffhanger, and sorry it took my so long. next upload shall be soon! hope you enjoyed.


I am his mate, not yours! *book one*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora