Slowly, I watched as the man settled, his breathing slowing, his body relaxing. He no longer fought against the surroundings, he no longer moaned at the pain. He was finally asleep.

"Okay, lets start," Will commanded, immediately stepping up to the edge of the table, parallel to the patients severed leg. I continued to photograph each step, as Sam passed him equipment, as he cleansed the wound, trying close it in any way he could. I knew this would take a long time to heal, and for some, the surgery never did eliminate the chance of death. The outcomes here were never as clear as back in America, the aftercare, availability of antibiotics, and pure ability to care for any wound, let alone one of his magnitude, was so completely different.

I moved around the room, silently, like a ghost observing the living. I was never acknowledged, and I never said a word. I knew now how to do this job, without the intrusion of theirs. Taking angles, finding shots, and doing it all without interrupting the flow and skill of the team had become a second nature to me now.

Two hours in, and I felt myself begin to tire. There was still so much to do, and I knew this operation would be going on for a while longer. Silently, I slipped outside, finding Erin.

"Hey," I sighed, throwing myself down on the chair she was curled up on. She had a book in her hands, reading from the dim light of the oil lamp at her side.

The sun had set long ago, probably not long after we had begun in the clinic. It was hard to tell the changing times when locked away in there, as it was completely secluded from the outside world. It was the only building on site with electricity, all run from a generator. Everything else was left to natural daylight, and simple oil lamps.

Folding her book in her lap, she turned to me. "Tired?"

"Yeah," I admitted, stretching my neck. "I figured I would take a break, and wait for them to make a little more progress before I went back in. I've kind of taken the same shot over and over for the last little bit."

"If you want to go lay down, I can photograph the end," she offered, sitting up. "You did the ones yesterday."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," she smiled, pushing up. "You're like a one woman show out here, girl. Share the wealth a little."

I snorted, rolling my eyes at her. "Thanks. I'm going to go check my messages, then probably have a shower and go to bed."

Erin agreed, before disappearing into comm. I followed close behind her, sitting down at the computer while she prepped her equipment.

I was exhausted. The night before, I had photographed and observed a similar surgery, repairing several lacerations to a young mans back. It wasn't as long as the current operation would surely take, but it had been tedious, the cleansing and careful stitching.

He had come in just after midnight, and by the time he had been prepped, sutured, and bandaged, it was after five in the morning. My body and my mind were both extremely aware of their lack of rest, and were basically giving me the metaphorical finger for my abuse.

Opening my email, I replied to one from Mia, and another from my mother, before moving on to one from Harry.

From: Harry

To: Lane

Date: August 3

Subject: good news

Hello my love

So I have news...I looked in to the affiliate office for my house back in New York, and it would appear that, if I so choose, I can transfer there with little resistance. Since I have already been granted a position here, it is just a matter of placing me there. I was worried that I would have to apply and go through the whole process again, but I guess once you're in, you're in.

I talked to Niall, and I can move back in with him if I come back. He was bitching already that he doesn't want to have to listen to us 'fuck like bunnies' every night, but other than that, he is rather excited to have me come home.

So, that may mean you're stuck with me when you come home. Muahaha. There is no escaping me now. ;)

Okay, I will be serious now.

How are things there? Your last email said that there have been more incidents recently. Please tell me you're being safe. I am not known for my calm and easy demeanor, so please don't make me have to worry. I am not a pleasant person when I worry.

The manuscript I am reading now may be one you like. Its kind of different, and I'm not entirely sure if the heroine is sassy, or just a bitch, but overall the story is good.

I'm just about to go out for my run, but wanted to email you first. Give me a call whenever you can.

Miss you!

All the love


I smiled as I read his words, picturing him curled up on his couch, his sweats already on. I had known he had been looking into the possibility of transferring back to New York, and felt a strange mixture of excitement and nerves at his confirmation that it really was a possibility.

We were really doing this. We were actually trying to make this work.

I guess it was about bloody time.

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