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July 5


Storming out of comm, I couldn't hold back my groan of annoyance. I was practically storming across the courtyard towards the food hut, intent on nothing more than grabbing a new bottle of water, and retreating back to my room. Between the kinky teasing of Erin and Rob, and now Harrys jealous bitchiness, I had had enough of human contact for one day.


I just couldn't believe him. I had called wanting nothing more than senseless, mindless, happy chatter with my sexy, loving boyfriend, and to listen to his sex on a stick voice through a distant phone line. And what did I get? His attitude, insecurity, and snappiness.

And for what? Nothing.

I shook my head, my pace slowing. He was just being stupid. I knew all along he had trust issues, mainly stemming from the fact he had gone the last five years with no real connection or relationship to speak of. Of course he would think that anyone in his life was going to leave. It was his knee jerk reaction at this point, to always assume the worst. He had gone through something I could never even bear to think of, and it had changed him to his core.

But I had thought, I suppose foolishly, that he was starting to change. He was calmer, his moods steadier. He was less angry, and he was even editing what he said if he thought it would be too harsh.

Well, until today, of course.

He seemed to be trying, so I thought nothing of being honest with him. I should be able to be honest with him. If Neil was helping me through something like this, something that Harry just couldn't understand, shouldn't he be happy? Shouldn't he be glad I had someone here to help me, to talk to, to understand? Yes, I wasn't insensitive to the fact that he felt that it was his job to do all those things, and he did. Granted, his means of support were email and phone, but they were still support. So what if I had someone else here to help in the ways he couldn't. Would he have the same issue if it had been Erin I said who was listening to me? Probably not.

Why were men so God damn frustrating?

Finally reaching the food hut, I walked right passed everyone gathered around the tables towards the fridge in the back. Pulling out a cold bottle of water, I unscrewed the lid, taking a swig, before retightening it, and heading back through the crowd.

"Where you storming off to?" Erin asked, her expression confused.

"I'm going to bed," I said, trying to keep the anger and annoyance out of my voice.

"Phone sex tucker you out that quick?" Rob quipped, earning a laugh from Clayton.

I rolled my eyes, before offering them a wave and heading off towards my room.

"Lane, wait," I hear Neil call, already out of his seat before I had made it more than a few feet away. He made it to my side in only three long strides. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head, my bottle twisting in my hands. I didn't want to tell Neil of all people what had turned my mood so sour. It was bad enough I had to deal with Harrys jealousy and moods, he shouldn't have to be a subject of his temper.

When I refused, Neil pressed.

"Is everything okay at home?"

I nodded, easing his worry. "Yeah, everything is fine."

"So why are you so upset?" he asked, not letting the subject drop.

I sighed as we reached the door to my room. Turning to him, I kept my eyes down. He had been so understanding so far about everything I had been feeling. He had listened, offered advice, and distracted me from the things I no longer wanted to face. It wasn't his fault that Harry had a past; we all did. But he shouldn't have to he cast as the villain just because Harry was feeling insecure.

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