7K 415 73

May 23


My heart was hammering in my chest. So hard, in fact, I could hear my pulse clearly in my ears. My breathing was regular, in rhythm with my motion, beads of sweat sliding down my face. I could feel them move along my neck, down my back, soaking me through. But it didn't matter. I needed this. My body needed this release. It had been far too long since I had been able to exert myself this way, and now that I had finally given in and committed to it, it was a relief.

My feet hit the pavement in a constant, easy run. Tiny splashes of water sprinkling out from the edges with each step, I kept my pace even. I weaved in and out of others on the street, each making their own way to home, work, or wherever. It was raining, as it seemed to have done constantly since my arrival, but I had given in to the idea of being wet. It was actually refreshing, running in the rain. This had been my third run in as many days.

I would like to think that my renewed interest in physical fitness had come from personal inspiration. I had gone to a gym fairly regularly back in New York, but my attendance waned after I met a certain, tenacious blonde.

When we first met, I used my time at the gym, or running through the familiar streets of the city to work off the irritation she brought me. Always so quizzical, despite her promise to keep her questions to herself. I used the time to push her from my mind, instead focusing on the sweat, and the pain that I welcomed. Over time, my workouts were a relief of tension and pent up energy, which again could be attributed to her. Only this time, it was a different kind of energy I found I needed relief of.

Niall had more than once told me to just go out and find some girl. Take her to bed, and get over this fixation I had with Lane. In his mind, there was no better way to get over a girl, than by literally getting over another. In the past, it was what I would have done. If irked or tense, it was a welcome release in every way. But at that time, even the thought of being with someone else seemed bothersome to me. Sure, it might have been fun, and I could sure use a good fuck to get some of this tension out, but deep down I knew it wouldn't help. Because I knew it wouldn't be her.

She was what I wanted.

As we spent more time together, I let my workouts fall to the wayside in favor of being with her. Lunches, walks, whatever she wanted. I honestly didn't care if she wanted to go to fucking Build A Bear and make some ridiculous matching set, if it was what she wanted, I would have done it. I would have done anything for her. And still would. Hell, I already did.

Except tell her how I feel. That seemed to still be an issue I couldn't get over.

Of course, telling her anything lately hadn't been an issue, since it had been three fucking days since I had last heard from her at all. I had spent the majority of my day following the receipt of her first email checking my messages, on my phone or computer at work, waiting for a response. More than once it proved to be helpful, making me appear busy as Miss Much-too-flirty would swing by my desk. She always seemed to come by 'just to say hi'. I stayed polite, but kept the interactions as short as possible.

By the end of that day, with still no word from her, I was wound tighter than I had been in months. That was when I decided it was time to get some exercise. I had yet to find a gym in the area, and at the moment all I wanted was to sweat, and breathe, and feel the ache in my muscles that came with cardio. So I pulled on my sweats, tied up my old trainers, and hit the streets.

Three consecutive nights now, following work, I ran the streets of Seattle near my apartment. It served a dual purpose, both providing me the blissful release of energy and distraction I needed, and also helping me familiarize myself with my new neighborhood. I hadn't done much wandering since I arrived, my mind much too tied up in settling in, and worrying about her.

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