"Yea you're right plus I was planning on applying to the school that you go to so I'm glad I actually saw you today," said Damion with a huge grin.

Marley was so excited, he couldn't hold back his grin too. He ended up just talking with Damion for a couple of hours, the pictures he was planning to take all but forgotten until he was leaving. "Can I take a picture of you before I leave," Marley asked.

"Yea why not," replied Damion. They exchanged phone numbers afterwards and Marley made his way home with a huge smile on his face. He was really excited that his friend was back and that he hadn't changed a bit. Other than Amoy, Marley didn't really have people that he considered his best friends so having Damion back was one of the best things to ever happen.


It was around six in the afternoon when Terrell finally got off practice. He was really distracted today and he figured his team mates noticed too because of all the shoving and comments that they made saying that he needed to get his head in the game. He really tried but today he felt as if he didn't have control over his brain and his thoughts for that matter. His mind kept focusing on Marley and he couldn't deny that the feelings were all positive but they were still scary none the less. Terrell didn't plan on almost having sex with Marley in the bathroom but after getting close to Marley, feeling on his body and hearing all the sweet little sounds that he made, Terrell felt as if he was hooked.

That wasn't part of the plan. He was angry in the morning but after a couple classes he actually calmed himself down enough the scope out the situation. So maybe he did like guys but that didn't mean he wanted people to know about it. Being with Marley would probably blow up in his face and he couldn't have that messing up his reputation at school or in the streets for that matter. All that went to dust though when he saw the nigga that was on his mind sitting in the bleachers across from him. He couldn't look away. For a guy, Marley was beautiful to be honest and the little shy persona that he had going on added to making it even harder for Terrell to let go.

When he finally made his way towards where Marley was sitting his anger came back a little. He remembered Marley saying that Amoy had a crush on him but here she was all cuddled up on some nigga that he didn't remember the name of at the moment. Marley was obviously trying to play him and making it look like he was just trying to be a good friend. After walking up to them he gave Amoy a compliment just to see Marley's expression but he didn't look happy which made Terrell even more confused and angrier by the minute. This boy was confusing as fuck, he thought to himself. But after chasing Marley and having that little session in the bathroom he found himself thinking about him even more.

Maybe he just needed to get this off his chest, Terrell thought. He never knew himself as the dude that was constantly stressing over girls much less a guy for that matter. This was probably curiousness to see what sex would be like with the same gender. This was probably something that he needed to get out of his system so that he would be okay. After much contemplation though, Terrell decided that there was only one thing that needed to be done. He was gonna have sex with Marley so that he could sate his curiosity and get on with his life. He could do this, he was known for seducing countless of women and he was gonna seduce Marley and end all this confusion that was going on.


Terrell finally made his way home and headed straight for the showers. His mom had to do a double tonight and plan her trip to some country in Africa so he was home alone. After getting out of the shower he made something to eat and then he was just chilling and texting a couple people. It was around nine when he finally decided to call Marley. Let the seduction begin, he though while tapping the call button. Marley picked up on the third ring with a breathless hello.

"Are you busy or something?" asked Terrell.

"No, why would you think that?" replied Marley sounding a little confused.

"You just sound a little breathless that's all. What's got you so breathless?"

"Oh its nothing," he said. "You sure its nothing, sounded like you were doing something that you weren't suppose to be doing and you got caught," said Terrell grinning. He knew Marley's face was probably looking like a tomato right now but he couldn't help himself from messing with the guy.

"Ha, very funny, I wasn't doing anything nasty," he replied with a small laugh.

"You got a nice laugh, you know that?" asked Terrell.

"I guess, you got a nice laugh too," he said.

"You don't have to give me a compliment because I gave you one Marley," Terrell replied with a smile, he was so polite.

"I know, I know but you do have a nice laugh though, I heard it today when you,never mind," he said with a nervous laugh.

"Naah tell me," replied Terrell.

"Well I was gonna say I heard you laughing when you were playing ball today," he said.

"Oh so you were watching a nigga, you know I kept looking up at you the whole time wishing you would turn around," Terrell said, then gave himself a mental slap, why was he telling Marley all this stuff, now he sounded like some little fan girl. Before Marley could reply though he cut him off, which was rude but he was done making small conversation with this boy because he felt like he was getting softer by the minute.

"Listen I know this is straight forward and all but I'm really feeling some type a way about you. I can't stop thinking about you and that little thing that we had going on in the bathroom, I was wondering if we could take it a little further. I'm not gonna invite you over by saying we can chill and watch Netflix as a trick to get in your pants, I'm just gonna tell you straight up that you're sexy as hell and I'm tryna fuck."

"Wha- what?" Replied Marley. "No, that's not gonna happen, I can't do that."

"Don't act like you don't want me, if that nigga didn't knock on the door while we were at it you would have been on my dick, I know I'm coming on strong but we both know what we want and I don't know what's holding you back but you need to let go and have a little fun." Marley probably thought he was really a dick for just coming out and saying all this but he was just being honest.

"Terrell, I can't do that, this won't end we-," before Marley could end his sentence Terrell heard someone in the background. "Okay mom, I'll be there in a minute," said Marley. "Listen Terrell I have to go."

"I'm serious about everything I said, plus I want you to come to my game on Friday night, don't drive."

"Terrell I can't, what am I even gonna tell my mom?" he asked.

"Tell her that you're spending the night with a friend, but please don't stand me up," was Terrell's response. He really prayed Marley did come through. These couple of days were gonna be the longest he thought before hanging up and not giving Marley a chance to protest.

Hi everyone, sorry I'm just updating. I got a job for the summer so I'm a little busy and my schedule's all over the place. Sorry if this chapter is a little short but I need to start wrapping this story up because it wasn't suppose to be long. Anyways enough of me ranting, let me know what you guys think in the comments. Vote and share and thank you to all those who support this story I really appreciate it.

P.S Terrell's a little arrogant and bossy don't you think ? Lol

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