Chapter 1: Straub's POV

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It was approaching 8 pm on a Thursday evening when we got the news- and by "we" I mean myself and Heyimbee, one of my good friends and fellow Aussies who play on the Cube server. Anyways, we were just finishing up a recording on the Zone when we were interrupted by Graser10 screaming excitedly about some new business deal. I don't remember the exact conversation, but it probably went something like this...

"WUSSUP BIZNATCHES WE'RE GOING TO LA!" Graser yelled, followed by some incoherent robot noises probably inspired by Jabba the Hutt. 

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down mate, we're in the middle of a recording!" I yelled back. "Let me kill this last guy and then we'll talk."

"Alright, alright, but this is BIG news okay?" Graser said, his excitement not deterred by my lack of interest. 

The last player ended up not having anything and I slayed him easily. Afterwards, Bee and I had a little 1v1 and I let her win- you know, just a friendly gesture. A lot of our fans see stuff like this and then "ship" us, but Bee and I are just pals. 

"Okay, let's see what has the Gdawg in such a good mood" Bee said. I moved us out of the recording suite and into the main TS where Graser was eagerly waiting. The second I joined, he started telling us about a deal that had been proposed to the Cube group by "Maker Studios", a company based in LA. According to Graser, they had invited us to tour their studios and talk in person about said deal. 

"So we're going to America?" I said excitedly.

"WE'RE GOING TO AMERICA BRUH!!!" Graser confirmed. 

I happily powered off my computer for the night, but not after arranging with Bee to book tickets tomorrow. Neither of us have ever been to the States before, and we decided to cross that one off the bucket list together. I'm beyond excited to finally meet the people I spend my life with. I can finally witness H slapping Graser IRL whenever he does something stupid! Oh, and maybe we can do one of those "Australian trying American sweets" videos. TYBZI swears on Hershey's chocolate, but I don't know if I believe him. 

I'm pumped to meet everyone, but for some reason I'm especially excited to see Bee. I've always connected with her really well...maybe because we're in the same timezone so we can actually talk to each other at a decent hour? Who am I kidding, I'd stay up till 3 am every night regardless. I guess there's no real reason. It's just... I don't know. She just gets me, in a way nobody else does. It's weird and sometimes scary but mostly wonderful. 

I finally get up from my desk and get ready for bed. Maybe I can get a jump on packing tomorrow and not be the usual last-minute-procrastination-king Strubber. Or maybe I can hang out with Peckett or someone and waste time. That sounds more like me. 

As I fell asleep that night, I thought about what it'd be like to actually touch my best friends. I'll finally have solid proof that they're actually living, breathing, humans. It doesn't seem like reality- but that's okay, I've always been more of a dreamer.

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