Chapter 2

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 Imogen's POV

Confusion. Total and absolute, confusion was what I felt after Justin left to go home. What the fuck? Now he was gone and everyone had left the dining table to go off and do their own thing, I had a bit of time to think to myself. I know I said it before, but Justin really was acting weird earlier. He was almost being flirty today, which is a drastic change from how he used to treat me by basically picking on me every chance he got or totally ignoring my existence. 

Which was fine by me, I'd rather that then have to deal with all the mortifying pranks him and my brother would pull on me and Keira every chance they got. The only people "lucky" enough to ever see the charming side to him where  girls he'd pick up while we were at the mall when my mother would force him and Parker to go with Keira and I so we weren't alone-  

"Im...Im...Imogen?" Keira called frowning and waving a hand in front of my face. She'd already finished helping my mom clear up and was standing there frowning at me with her hand on her hip.

"Huh ...yeah?" I turned to look at Keira. "I you want to go up to your room, so we can chill?" she said exasperated. "Uh.. yeah sure" I replied getting up from my chair. "What were you thinking about that had you so zoned out?" She questioned with narrowed eyes. "Oh, nothing. Come on let's go upstairs." I mumbled getting up from the table.

Once we were up in my room I collapsed on my bed and stared at the ceiling, while Keira sat at my dresser fiddling with my makeup. "So..." Keira said standing up from the dresser and making her way towards my bed. "What did you get up to while I was away?" She beamed before jumping on my bed to lay next to me.

"Um...not that much I guess," I said propping myself up on my elbow, "went out with the girls, went to a few parties and just chilled out really.  Nothing too interesting" I finished lamely. " was it in the Caribbean?" I said with a smile. "OH my gosh Im! It was absolutely amazing! The hotel was huge, with a massive swimming pool. Oh it was just beautiful. My room was HUGE and was on like the 12th floor. Oh and the view..." I tuned out after that as my thoughts returned to what Justin had said earlier.

Why can't I stop thinking about it? It really shouldn't give a crap about what he does with his life, as long as he's not bothering me. Then my thoughts turned to the way Parker was acting earlier. Which was even more strange than Justin. Normally my brother can't help but be the life and soul of the party with plenty to say. And yet today he was reserved and not nearly talking half as much. That kinda freaked me out. I mean he was fine this morning until...Keira came over. No.. no no no. This surely can't have anything to do with her can it? My brother the player, caught up with one girl? No- 

"Im?...Imogen?! Are you even listening to me?" Keira said with a scowl, crossing her arms. Sitting up I said "Oh sorry...guess I zoned out again" mumbling the last part and looking down at my lap while wringing my hands feeling a bit guilty since that was the second time now I'd done it.

"Okay seriously now, what's going on in that head of yours?" She said tilting her head and frowning at me.

Looking up I sighed. "It's nothing I just...okay, do you think Justin was acting a bit weird earlier?" She nodded before I continued "and Parker was so quiet at dinner for most of it that it's kinda freaking me out a bit."

Keira sat up and tapped her chin in thought. She stayed like that for a few minutes before she finally just gave a shrug.

"Well, maybe Justin's just matured a bit now that he's been to college and is actually finally starting to act his age and not his shoe size. As for Parker, I have absolutely no clue about what the hell was going on with him. But I'm sure if it was serious and something he wants you to know about, then he'll tell you himself." She said with a concerned look.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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