Chapter 1

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Author's Note : Hey guys, so this is my first story that I've written. I hope you enjoy this and any advice and feedback is greatly appreciated. I have edited this a bit, making a few changes and added some more. So bare with me please haha. 

Chapter 1

"You Imogen Taylor, look like shit". I grumbled to myself, looking at the state of my hair and face in my floor length mirror. Oh, sweet baby Jesus.... My long red hair was a wild mess with bits sticking up at different angles. I groaned and tried to run my hands through my hair, in an attempt to tame it. I'm sorry but no girl wakes up looking perfect, those that claim they dont have such problems are dirty little liars. Except maybe Beyonce...she's so good looking its not even funny.

Looking into my pale blue eyes I sighed at how tired they look from the loss of sleep during the holidays.I proceeded to look at the rest of my body in the mirror. I was still in my baby blue pyjama shorts and vest top, which hugged my slender frame and exposed my slightly tanned legs and arms. Yep, still in my pyjamas at about four in the afternoon. Never have been a morning person.... I can't run to save my life, but I love playing sports. Dance and cheeleading are what keeps my arms and legs toned and my stomach flat. I couldn't stick to a healthy diet even if I tried since chocolate seems to be my kryptonite... damn!

There's only one thing that could cure my mood. A hot shower. God I loved my showers... maybe a bit too much ....Anyway that's the solution to my bad mood. A hot shower it is!

After one more glance at the crazy looking hobo in my mirror, I shuffled my feet and made my way towards the bathroom.


Entering my room, I looked at the silver clock on my wall. Man, I'd been in there for nearly an hour...But totally worth it. Smiling to myself and feeling refreshed, I decided to finally get dressed. I turned on my radio for some background noise while I got ready. I jumped over the pile of clothes on my rug, to get to my chest of draws. Deciding to go for a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a simple tight white vest top.

I was in the middle of getting dressed when my favourite song, came on and I just couldn't resist the urge to sing along and dance.

"Girl let me love you and I will love you...Until you learn... to love yourself...."

Shaking my ass and belting out the chorus as loud as I could. That was until my door flew open and revealed my older brother. Parker. Who was also singing along, but in a high voice I assumed he thinks sounded like me. Catching me by surprise, I screamed and stumbled, causing me to topple over and fall on the floor.

Unfortunately, my brother found all of this completely hilarious and doubled over laughing, clutching the wooden door frame for support. I glared at him. Annoyed and totally embarrassed. Man, I so wish looks could kill right now...But, they don't. So instead I resorted to shouting at him.

"PARKER. ROBIN. TAYLOR! Get the fuck OUT OF MY ROOM!!Or God help me I will beat you to death with a midget and bury you in the back yard!!" Yeah, I think I got my point across...

Leaning over to my bed I grabbed a pillow and threw it across the room in his direction, but it failed to hit him since he shut the door before it could. Damn...After letting out a frustrated sigh, I got to my feet. Parker opened the door again and lent on the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest and a smug smirk plastered on his face "Thanks for the entertainment sis, much appreciated". His smirk grew as he continued "But I only came up here because mom told me to tell you dinner's ready".

He lifted himself off the door frame and turned to walk away, but before he did he looked over his shoulder and said "Oh and by the way Justin's coming over for dinner as well". After giving me one of his annoying cocky winks, he sauntered off.  

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